DIY Cable for AFX Headphone players ;)



So I've finally decided to hack together a guitar cable with a headphone extension cable to plug into the Axe front panel, heres the result:


So basically, what you need (for the non-soldering saavy):
1 x Planet waves 10' cable
1 x Plane waves Headphone 10' extension cable
1 x 3/4 braided flex sleeving
some electrical tape
1 old knife
1 lighter

1) put cables side by side, make sure that they don't have knots
2) mark off length of braided sleeving required (I used about 8', but measured by eye)
3) heat knife with lighter
4) use hot knife to cut the sleeving (very easy with a hot knife, and avoids frayed edges)
5) put sleeving over both cables
6) tape off the sleeving with electrical tape.

This would be around $50 for the 10' assembly, but for the soldering saavy, you can look at the following option:
2 x TS plugs (Switchcraft or Neutrik, any 1/4 plugs will do) ~$10 max (unless going for nuetrik silent plugs)
1 x TRS plug (again, both switchcraft and Neutrick have options) ~$ 6 max
1 x TRS female jack (2 options I've found: Switchcraft 131 or Neutrik NJ3FC6) ~$3-4
1 x Guitar cable of length X
1 x XLR cable (or headphone cable) of length X
1 x 1/4 or 3/8 or 1/2 dia braided sleeving of length X (can use smaller diameter)

1) put both cables side by side
2) put braided sleeving over cables
3) strip ends of both cables
4) solder connectors
5) tape off braided sleeving

So hope this helps, the DIY soldering option should be about $30-$50 for length 6' to 20 or 30' if you order all parts from redco (they have all cables and connectors), Best-tronics didn't have the TRS Female plug, I dont think.

Anyway, Enjoy!

I made similar cables about 16 months ago for my band to use live

Headphone feed goes to a small belt clip box with a volume control for in-ears - tidy
I have a wireless for live or sometimes band practice, but when I play at home it's not worth it to run when I'm sitting in front of the axe :p
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