Distance between OMG9 Devices

In general, you never want to block vents.

If there’s a reason you need to have them up against each other, you might be able get away with it by adding fans to exposed sides to pull air through both units. If you want to go down that route (I wouldn’t… it’s a lot of bulk and complexity just to not have an inch between the units, but I’m not you), I’d recommend asking Fractal support if they can evaluate detailed plans of exactly what you wanting to do.
In general, you never want to block vents.

If there’s a reason you need to have them up against each other, you might be able get away with it by adding fans to exposed sides to pull air through both units.
You don’t want to put fans on the side vents pulling air out. That would work against the built-in fan at the bottom vent that’s pulling air in the opposite direction.
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