Wish 'display current workspace'


this would be useful for me. I use 'tuner on heel down' sttings for tuning and muting when on stage (on the advice of an earlier thread)....often when I am rehearsing through a full size pa it would be great to make changes while the unit is muted, normally tweaks to parameters on the performance pages but i cant see those pages when the tuner is active. would it be possible to have those pages appear on the screen? or have tabs to them in the tuner page (ie after 'offsets' and 'config') so I could tab to them while the unit is muted in tuner mode and then tab back to the tuner......... or if there was no action being carried out on these parameters it would revert to the tuner display after 15 secs? Make sense to anyone else? obviously most of the time its best to listen to your edits....but not always when just tweaking in a live situation,
I turn the guitar volume knob down. If you’re at the front panel anyway, turn down the output knobs.

Not sure I’d want the tuner screen to ever turn off personally.
Can you just not play? I think I'm not understanding the intent here.
The intent is to be able to tweak parameters on the performance pages, while the output is muted….chris’ suggestions above about using the output knobs would achieve this, but it’s a bit more of a hassle as I use both outputs. One to foh, one to my backline monitor. Would rather be able to reach the performance pages while the tuner is muting the outputs. Hope that makes more sense.
If you're using a Volume block, you could adjust the 'Scale' to @ 1.125 and 'Offset' to @ -12.0 in the Volume modifier page to have the signal 'muted' without engaging the tuner. The tuner activates at 5% of the pedal throw, adjusting these parameters will have the volume off before the 5%. You'll need to learn where the sweetspot is, but works pretty good.
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