Digitech Freqout pedal is legit


One downside of getting away from using hardware amps and real cabs (or I suppose an Axe-Fx with a power amp and loud guitar cabinet as well) is the lack of being able to generate cool, musical feedback. Now yes, I can get my guitar to feedback when I'm close enough to my Atomic CLR, but its kind of awkward given the wedge design, and it also requires it to be pretty darn loud. Louder than I really like in fact.

So, like many I'm sure, I was intrigued by the new Freqout pedal, which promised to produce musical sustain at the press of a button. Well, it does, sort of.....

See, its not true feedback, that is produced by a true acoustic interaction between guitar and speaker, but, what the pedal does is produce a sound that is near identical in terms of tone and onset, which is pretty cool, and honestly far more useful.

It won't sustain forever, but it does sustain for a pretty long time, about as long as you can keep a vibrato going. Its not like an Ebay by that account either, it doesn't produce sound on its own, but as the notes decay, they turn into a very musical feeback, of which you can control the onset and octave/harmonic

I patched it into my Axe II FX loop, and I use an external pedal controller to send a momentary signal to the pedal when I want the effect. This is essentially like using the momentary switch on the pedal itself, but without running the audio cables across the stage. Keeps everything in the box, AND, given I can control the curve of the activation, gives me a little extra tweakability.

I'm not going to post clips because there are already a ton on the net, and it sounds just like it does in the videos. Its honestly pretty legit and does what it says on the box.

Hit a big chord, let it ring for a few moments, then step on the pedal and as the tones decay it turns into a nice singing feedback. Really fun for doing Slayer style divebombs with the whammy bar too

Its a little pricey I admit, and its also not an effect your going to use for every song, but its fun to play with and it really goes a long way of reproducing that last part of playing a loud guitar amp. I feel with my Axe Fx I can get the tone and feel of a cranked amp, at any volume, which is awesome, but often I couldn't get feedback, especially at home. Now with this pedal patching into my rig I can have the sound, feel, and even feedback of a cranked 100 watt amp, but at any volume.

Worth checking out for sure. I think with the Axe routing it can even offer up so increased tonal options such as maybe combining it with the reverb and delay hold feature (could even active them both with the same ext controller) on a parallel routing from the main tone etc etc

Most of the time when I buy a hardware pedal, its cool for a few minutes and then I feel "I can do this sound in the Axe" and sell the pedal. The Freqout is the first pedal in a long time that I feel really produces a unique sound that can't otherwise be done in the box. I mean maybe, just maybe with some pitch shift, reverb hold etc someone like Simeon could come up with an effect that is close, but this one is just so simple and works beautifully.

Wow heck yeah. The only pedals I'm considering now are this and a looper since the looper in the axe is so dismally short!
Cool pedal for sure.

But I have never experienced problems getting musical feedback through FRFR.
I love the Pete Thorn video review of it.

Thought about getting one, but seems like he did all the cool things I'd do with it, so haven't pulled the trigger yet :)
Cool pedal for sure.

But I have never experienced problems getting musical feedback through FRFR.

Its doable if playing with enough of course, but, for me at least that is often a major limitation. Likewise, with lower output levels, and using a Atomic wedge, I need to get a bit closer to the monitor, which requires a fair bit more bending than standing just in front of a 4x12.

With the pedal and the way its rigged up, I just step on my external control switch. I think its a cool option, and certainly doesn't mean one can't still generate real feedback with a speaker, but now its also on tap at the press of a button
I love the Pete Thorn video review of it.

Thought about getting one, but seems like he did all the cool things I'd do with it, so haven't pulled the trigger yet :)

It is a little limited, what it does is very cool, but not an effect your going to use each and every song. Maybe Moorer or Behringer will come out with a clone circuit for 1/4th the price LOL

I think there is potential to take it further with the Axe though, such as add a long delay to just the effect, or what I've been messing with this afternoon is a square wave tremolo for a stuttering effect with a ramp up of the speed and a fast effect onset, so as the note dies out it turns into this swelling stuttering feedback note. Instead of an octave or two above, there is also a sub octave feedback setting, so I'm getting a pretty cool wall rattling rumble, which if I can also figure out how to pan, with be a pretty trippy effect
Wow...moved to the lounge????..seriously guys this is total bullshit IMO, but I guess do as you will...

Just trying to share what I thought was a cool product that integrated really well with the Axe FX....
Hm... I love (controlled) feedback, and have never had any problems getting a good ol' feedback going on since I switched to AxeFx. Whether I'm going axefx into poweramp, through a FRFR placed behind me or directly into PA with the stage monitors as only monitoring, I always mange to get my guitar to feedback, when I want it to. And this without using too much distortion -all is relative I know, but i typically prefere too little intead of too much when it comes to gain. Wonder what I'm doing right ;)

That being said, the Freqout sound like hours of fun, and I will def check it out :)
Hm... I love (controlled) feedback, and have never had any problems getting a good ol' feedback going on since I switched to AxeFx. Whether I'm going axefx into poweramp, through a FRFR placed behind me or directly into PA with the stage monitors as only monitoring, I always mange to get my guitar to feedback, when I want it to. And this without using too much distortion -all is relative I know, but i typically prefere too little intead of too much when it comes to gain. Wonder what I'm doing right ;)

Now - try that with in-ears. :p
Wow...moved to the lounge????..seriously guys this is total bullshit IMO, but I guess do as you will...

Just trying to share what I thought was a cool product that integrated really well with the Axe FX....

Didn't move it, but reviews of 3rd party stuff (not FAS-related) are always posted in/moved to The Lounge (or Rigs). The Lounge is just as good as any subforum, it's not like exile to Siberia.
Didn't move it, but reviews of 3rd party stuff (not FAS-related) are always posted in/moved to The Lounge (or Rigs). The Lounge is just as good as any subforum, it's not like exile to Siberia.

I'm just a non-paying guest on a manufacturers moderated forum, so its not like I'm entitled to anything, but still kind of rubbed me the wrong way having a thread I started, and that seemed to be encouraging some good debate was bumped...

I mean, sure, if I'm just talking about some random product, like Dunlap 35 fretboard lemon oil (which I ordered along with the Freqout!) then yes, that really has nothing to do specifically with Fractal and its fair to move it. Thing is though, that while this pedal isn't a Fractal product, the specific manner in which I was discussing it was very much focused on what it offers for users of modelers, FRFR users, etc. I was talking specifically how cool it is patched into the FX loop and how much cooler that Axe-FX is making an even cooler pedal.

We have threads talking about certain types of guitars, certain types of pickups, certain types of cables, "dullness", monitor speakers etc all on the main forum, again and again, that really only have the common bond of being used with a Fractal product.

Heck, we have threads about various hardware pedals and their emulations in the Axe, or how they don't quite compare etc. I just feel that my thread was 100% on topic, interesting to Fractal users, and specifically addressing use with the Axe-FX.

I almost wonder if a mod even read the content of the thread, or did they just see the title and think "here is some a-hole reviewing a 3rd party product, lets move this crap" ???

Anyways, having said my peace on the matter, and still wanting to share some ideas with those who have been participating in the thread, I did learn a couple of cool things today

1) This pedal and the Velvet Sun patch together are pretty surreal. I set the pedal to constant on, with a fairly quick onset, and then would just do some volume swells with minor chords, with the Freqout fading in with the natural low feedback setting..... deep feedback drones for days with some ambient chords over the top...very cool

2) With a reverse delay patch and the dry signal turned off, this thing is a great Gilmour "Seagull" tool

3) This pedal is also an amazing tool to promote real speaker/guitar feedback, even at very low volumes. Hit the pedal and get that artifical feedback swelling in, and get your guitar close to the your speaker and it just creates an endless feedback loop. Can't otherwise produce that interaction at low volumes, but the pedal really gets it going, which is pretty cool
i've got the gr junior ii...
i've owned the sustainiacs...both types...vibrator and pickup.
i've owned the ebow.
This device...a little finicky as far as positioning but it does work for me...and it sounds great.
For me trying to get lo gain amps to interact properly with a guitar at lower volumes and do their magic is impossible.
...but this box makes it work for me...as always ymmv
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