Different modifiers per channel? Or are they global to that block per preset?

@JiveTurkey ... There may be other options to achieve the results desired?

Post or send me the preset, and EXACT descriptions of what you want to happen in each scene. As well as your switch layout(s). Maybe I can help?

Is there a noticeable switching gap between scenes with the FM3?

" I am assuming one channel can be "On" while another channel of the same block can be set to "Off"? "

I'd call this "mostly true" on a block-by-block basis. For instance, if you really want to switch channels instead of bypass state,on most effects with a mix knob you could switch to a channel with 0% mix (and not get any visual indication the block isn't active). Or for parallel blocks switch output levels to 0. Or switch input levels to 0 if you want to effect tails to stay audible.

But being able to assign multiple actions to a single switch is another wish I've had for a while, Helix can do it but Axe you're limited to just one. Unless there's a creative way to hook a footswitch up to a Control Switch, and then hook that control switch up to several modifiers (instead of channels). Like, you could maybe hook up a modifier powered by control switch to a bunch of mix and level knobs and get it to turn one set of things on in one state and another in another.

But you're right that this is kind of complex-control-switch-configuration-peg into a scene-shaped-hole work. And because Scenes already exist there hasn't necessarily been a lot of time by Fractal or Forum members making these other approaches work.
Guys; thanks for your time and trying to rewire my brain to work the way Fractal wants to work RE:switching schemes and optimization.

There are tiny gaps in scene switching. Not big dealbreakers for some sounds; but going from a synth block chain to a guitar chain is a pretty jolting experience no matter how I set it up. Ideally; I would be able to fade between all the rows with an expression pedal (or a similar method) and stay in a single scene instead of popping back and forth between scenes.

As it stands; the FM is going to work best as a basic standalone modeler doing meat and potatoes stuff OR amp/modeling FX in the loop of my SY1000. I'm going to give up trying to make it bend to my will and do EVERYTHING I want. No biggie. Again; thanks for your help and patience with my barrage of questions.
If the Scene Controller knobs themselves were opened to modifiers, you could attach an expression pedal (or LFO, Envelope, Pitch controller, Control Switch, etc..), all with their own set ranges, to specific scenes.

Tested this out with Axe-Edit III 1.06.01 (the accidental 'almost everything open to modifiers' release) and works great.
That sounds like a good WISH. :)
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