Wish Different Gain- and Tone-related control grouping


Power User
When working with the Amp using Tone page on the device, it becomes difficult on the finals stages of the fine-tuning to get the proper balance of Trim, Gain, Overdrive, Master Volume and Level, because they are placed on two rows instead of one. You need to jump between the lines often to make small adjustments when looking for a perfect Gain/OD/MV setting, for example.
At this point EQ is usually more of a distraction than help.

Is it possible to add "alternate" layout of the Tone page, moving all gain-related controls on one row, and B/T/M/P/BrSe on a second one? This would make on-device editing of many amps such as Two Rock so much easier, faster and intuitive. Maybe something that the users can select in settings as "Authentic/Ideal"-type of layouts, but for HW? Thanks!
Performance Pages
Im Not No Way GIF

Using them for just this purpose when you already have all these controls in one place available in same number of clicks is a waste of many things.
That's certainly one opinion ;)
Not in this case, I think :) In this case we are looking at exactly same reason we have Authentic and Ideal in FM3-Edit (BTW, Ideal would be nearly perfect if "boost" switch had a boost value field near it so you don't need to go to Preamp page in most cases. I should probably raise a wish for that too).

You already have (almost) exactly same page, available to you by one click of "A" and one click of "next page". This page has all necessary controls, just in a slightly different order.
You can use "Per preset" PP for that but you might need to repeat this for too many presets, and also you lose control over things you really need for a particular preset.
You can use "Global" PP for that but there is no good answer for a question "why?!". You already have same controls but in slightly different order. Why would you consider duplicating it? Save Global for the things that matters - mix levels or hidden amp block parameters, etc.
Not in this case, I think :) In this case we are looking at exactly same reason we have Authentic and Ideal in FM3-Edit (BTW, Ideal would be nearly perfect if "boost" switch had a boost value field near it so you don't need to go to Preamp page in most cases. I should probably raise a wish for that too).
No, it's not, really.

Authentic vs Ideal is for limiting the controls to those actually on the unit. It's not about the "convenience" of knob placement within a screen.

You're certainly entitled to your wish, though.

I was merely proposing an option that you could use today without any changes required.
Authentic vs Ideal is for limiting the controls to those actually on the unit. It's not about the "convenience" of knob placement within a screen.
I stand corrected, you are right about this, of course.
Real amps have no Input trim control though :p
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