Difference in a 8"/10"/12" FRFR Powered Speaker

Jerry K.

I am in the market for some speakers to use with the Axe, I will apologize if this has been covered but I could not find it. I am looking at the QSC K12s, I used them in the past and liked them. My question is will the 8" or 10" give me a very similar result as the 12". Since I will be going FRFR, what is the main difference? The frequency response is very similar and the overall wattage is the same in all three speakers. Will they all be able to fill a room pretty equally with the same power ratings?

Check out the K10s, the K8,K10,K12 all have the same power section but the K10 has a better spread.
My band uses two K10s for mains and they are stupid loud and more than capable of handling running FRFR.
I play in a very loud 80s hard rock tribute band, so we get ridiculously loud and the K10s take it just fine.
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