Did a comparison between my FM3 and a Quad Cortex

It's really crazy how fast you can build awesome presets in the QC.
I have my friends QC at home, it's really great.
You have a million parameters less, but apparently, you don't need them.

The biggest difference for me (I also play with a regular guitar cab and power amp), the QC has a lot more balls by default.
With my FM3 presets, I have to push the low end massively (3-6db) almost everytime to get ballsy, compared to my real tube amps - and this was always the case.
The QC on the other hand does not need additional EQs or low end pushes, the stock models are just heavy.
Effect-wise, the QC is ok - Fractal has so much to offer, the question is, if you need all those possibilities/options.
I like the minimalistic approach of the QC, which really don't need many edits. Its like having a tube amp with a few knobs, it just works.
"Balls" for chugga drop tune or? I run the Thump low even on my real amps to keep string clarity and cut

Seems like 99/100 people like Fractal more
I too was on the QC pre order but after their 3rd or 4th backorder delay I cancelled my order and grabbed a second hand fm3. I still have the QC screen protectors I ordered in my storage room haha.

The wifi updates are good in theory until someone found out they didn't encrypt anything and had access to everyone's personal data. I believe this has been fixed. Also 2.4ghz only? They used some dated chips it seems. For the price I would expect modern hardware.

They have the desktop plugins in coreos3 beta as we speak. I tried all of the plugin free trials on my PC and they honestly all sounded the same. Sure there were different effects but the base amps didn't have much uniqueness. The Tosin one was the best for me as it seemed to have the most dynamics.

I think lots of folks use the QC cause it's soo small and has more foot switches, plus ndsp/darkglass is kinda trendy you know? It's quite a bit smaller than the fm9. So probably easier for fly dates.

I was also amazed at the capture tech and was planning to capture all my Orange amps and all of my friends amps but after playing the fm3 for a few months realized I had no use for captures. It kind of eliminates the point of having flexibility and adaptability by capturing a signal chain. I just don't really see the point. Once you are going through a random pa, no one is going to realize you are using a boutique amp capture.

Myself I love the mod-ability and all the wierd parameters on the fm3. Legit killed all of my amp and cab gas. I do want something with more foot switches and was about to order a 9T but there have been rumblings about new products for a bit now and I wanna see what's next before dropping the cash.

One day I might still grab a QC from L&M, I'm sure you can rent them by now. Would be a cool shootout.
"Balls" for chugga drop tune or? I run the Thump low even on my real amps to keep string clarity and cut

Seems like 99/100 people like Fractal more

I don't talk about crazy amounts of bass, compared to other bands in my genre, I have a hot rock tone, nothing crazy.
I know how to dial in tones and I know what my band and music needs.
And if you talk numbers - sure, in a Fractal forum, you will get your response.
I know musicians who are switching and if you keep track of other bands rig rundowns, many switched to the QC.
I don't talk about crazy amounts of bass, compared to other bands in my genre, I have a hot rock tone, nothing crazy.
I know how to dial in tones and I know what my band and music needs.
And if you talk numbers - sure, in a Fractal forum, you will get your response.
I know musicians who are switching and if you keep track of other bands rig rundowns, many switched to the QC.
Meh. Use what makes you happy. Choice benefits all. However, QC amp models leave the most to be desired. I hear a lot of aliasing and can pick it out in comparisons every time. Most artists that switch in rundowns state they do so because they can take captures of their amps and leave them at home. The big selling point for most over Fractal seems to indeed be captures. Most of those same artists are supplementing with lots of external pedals. I wonder why? 🧐 Could it be that it is missing a substantial amount of effects and the effect quality is lesser?

If you want to switch, switch. No need to justify it or find approval here. But if you are trying to convince others here it is better, you’re wasting your time.
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