Dialling Djent/Heavy tone Axe-fx - Instructional video

Thanks for the instructional video! I personally think that part of the "djent" is achieved by low tuned guitars. It gets "Djent-er" and "Djent-er" when the tuning goes lower and lower. haha. Btw, what did you use to program the drums for your songs in your other vids.

That's also a factor. It's just a seriously damped palm mute. It's superior 2.0 for samples which were programmed in the piano roll from cubase 5
You should've at least used one high quality clip in there. It's impossible to judge anything from a camera.
I'm gonna try using higher damp values again though. But I've never liked using so high values before because it tends to sound so harsh.
You don't need it though because you should hear the fully effect when you've dialled it in for yourself. I will try to post some direct recorded clips in the next videos. But you should be able to hear how it sounds in it's stages. I'm usually a big fan of 'whats the point if it's not high quality' but this is a special case because i'm actually giving you the settings. It does particularly through a cabinet - you lose clarity on chords and it becomes a bit raspy. But it's been okay for direct, for my setup anyway
Problem is not one of all the presets I've tried have sounded anything like the original. The guitars and the player make a huge impact on the sound. So it's easier to compensate for that if you actually know what to aim for.
Also I'm a six string guy so I can only listen to these cool riffs anyway :p
After seeing people get nagged for the patches. I think giving the settings is the only way to let the majority out there realise that what you stated holds true.
Nice tips! Has anyone tried applying Cliff's envelope trick to this patch? Maybe boost the bass using the PEQ right before the filter cut-off
No because it's not pronounced 'dejent' common misconception. The Dj is silent..it's like saying Gent haha.

Your welcome guys! Not tried cliffs trick but I might now that you mention it. Each to their own...use this as a starting point and see what you can come up with! :)
right_to_rage said:
Nice tips! Has anyone tried applying Cliff's envelope trick to this patch? Maybe boost the bass using the PEQ right before the filter cut-off

Yes, I have! I use that trick quite often to make the low end super tight.
Thanks a lot for the video, it helped me a lot dialing in tones. I seen it over on SS.org originally. Using tricks from this video, and the Envelope Filter have helped a shit ton.
You should definitely work on an HQ or direct video. But, I agree it doesn't really matter in this case, since i'm not trying to steal your patch, I just want to apply some of your methods to my patches.

i realise this original thread was posted a few years back. the world has moved on and more technology (namely the axe fx II) has come out.
i on the other hand, still have the axe fx standard. it's lack of gates makes the proper tight djent tone difficult to nail. can you suggest how to get around the lack of gates? cheers
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