Dialing in sound


New Member
Hello all,

I am new to the wonderful realm of Fractal.

After too much gearlifting giggs, I decided to go smaller and digital. What else than an FM9t I thought ;)
Already spent some time with it, did research on youtube, followed the CC Masterclass and started to dialing in sounds.
Until now I dialed them in via a studio headphone and my IEM. Results were pretty good.

Today I picked up an Atomic CLR neo, so that I can rehearse with my band and I have my own monitor for gigs.
However, soundwise, a lot (obviously) changed. Presets didn’t sound and feel like they did with the headphones/IEM.

My question is: on what bases do you dial in your sound? Do you dial in the sounds based on the live sound from the FRFR? Based on what I hear via my IEM?

For your information: My intention is to gig with the sound of the frfr as a monitor. In the future I also will use my IEM as well (in addition to the frfr as ‘wall of sound’). Currently I unfortunately don’t own a wireless system for my IEM (yet).

Any tips or tricks in this matter?
Looking forward to receiving your answers. Thanks in advance and with kind regards from The Netherlands.

Absolutely dial in on your FRFR, close to the volume you will be playing. There is a world of difference between headphones or IEM and live sound in a room. Different volumes affect tone through Fletcher-Munson effect. I play live in the room at gigs and practice, so all of my presets have to pass live room muster. The other thing that is important is to be able to navigate on the front panel to the global performance page - you will want to be able to adjust tone in each setting - because every room is different. You will want to be able to dial in BMT and P as needed in new rooms, and maybe even adjust Out1 EQ. My presets are always brighter in my home studio and tend to be too bright in the practice room (different size, resonance, geometry, flooring etc…) so I just dial a little and everything is ok.
Hope this helps you.
The ideal is to tune presets to the room and speakers you are playing through. That’s obviously not always a luxury we get so apart from quick tweaks - the best approach is to tune your presets on the closest type of speaker as a ‘normal’ FOH system (I.e. the FRFR) at similar volumes but anything above 90db should get you there.

Most of my live presets sound darker, less articulate, and miss life at lower volumes on studio monitors (HS7) and through my IEMs (UE 7s). Crank them up tho and it’s balanced and full. This is just part of the modelling game we all have/had to adapt to.

Depending on how you receive your IEM feed you can use one of the different Outs with an EQ block before to shape your tone for the in ears. I’ve learned to simply accept there’s differences and given the choice I’ll always choose a external monitor but if there’s silent stages I trust the previous tweaks I made and leave the rest to the sound techs.
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