Device Driver NOT FOUND after Axe Edit Install


I've installed, uninstalled and reinstalled Axe Edit several times (downloaded today) but when connecting my new Axe FX II XL to my Windows-7 computer the device drivers are not found.

Any advice out there in Fractal-Land? lol
Trying to get a new LF+ 12+ to Sync tonight.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone may have!
Ha - wow I just found a page with drivers to download, and came back to see if I had any responses and there it is...USB drivers - thanks RichHowe! I hadn't seen anything in the quick start manual about needing to download the drivers separately from the Axe Edit software.
OK, I guess tonight is my night to be the problem child. USB works now, and Axe Edit now gives me the green checkmark saying connected but while it's in "Please wait...Communicating" mode, I get a prompt saying "The version information could not be queried". I click "OK" and within a few seconds the program closes itself.

So I went into the XL's utility menu and I reset the system parameters in case I messed anything up, but no luck there.
Any takers?
After powering down the XL unit, I started up the Edit S/W and went into Setting/Preferences. Earlier when I couldn't get anything to work I changed the 2nd Ports menu to the only that was selectable with was "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth". The only other choice now to change from that selection is <<none>>. The 1st port selection is "Axe-FX II MIDI In".
OK, I reset both ports to <<none>>. rebooted things and after starting up Axe Edit again I had another choice in available in the 2nd Ports menu which is Midi Out. This seems to have solved THAT issue. It's reading and saving Block definitions now. (sorry about the previous type-o's, it happens these days!).
that's okay thanks Rich, I've got things started at least. A full sync is giving me issues but I'm happy to just get the ball rolling on day-1 of this!
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