Delay Everywhere

Guys...sorry I sucked up so much time. I didnt realize that on grid, you could keep scrolling to a new page within the grid. It wasn't till I tried shooting the video and kept going. I thought the effects I was seeing were the only ones programed in the presets. Totally my bad. As mentioned, only spent a coupe hours with it and was missing the key part.

Thanks for all the help!!

If anything, all this community support has made me much more likely to hold onto this magic box:)

Now I just have to figure out how to find my ODS Clean that I somehow deleted:)
Also list your entire signal chain from guitar to speakers (or headphones). Are you plugged in to a computer? If you are monitoring directly AND through a DAW the latency might cause a delay repeat on everything. Just an idea.

Yes, that was also an issue. Garageband was causing latency. It wasnt until I went direct via FX send that I was able to find out where I was goofing based on my ignorance/lack of familiarity with terminology and overall FX system.

In aggregate, I see what all you guys are saying and I appreciate it a ton!
ArrowHead said:
Exactly - everyone skipped the obvious first step: define "delay".

i felt i had enough information to start finding solutions without having the OP define that. sometimes you go farther down the rabbit hole asking someone to define the "concept" of the problem rather than just asking for actual facts regarding the situation. based on the answers given, i could guess that it was an actual delay effect being discussed and not just latency.

I didnt realize that on grid, you could keep scrolling to a new page within the grid. It wasn't till I tried shooting the video and kept going.

that's exactly what i thought was going wrong and why i asked him to make a video and scroll left and right on the layout in the vid :)
Thanks again for the help.

To restore the preset ODS Clean I apparently deleted, do you recommend Restore from the onboard ROM?
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