Delay...difference in milliseconds and say 1/8th?

1/8 depends on the tempo...

with milliseconds, you can set it exactly to the time you want ignoring tempo settings.
One is relative to the tempo in the patch (or global tempo). The other is absolute.

The 1/8th setting is relative to the tempo. As the tempo is adjusted up or down, the actual delay time 1/8th (an eight note) represents will change because the beats per minute is moving up or down. The higher the tempo, the shorter the amount of time 1/8th will be because beats have less space between. The lower the tempo, the longer time 1/8th will be.

The 320 ms setting is absolute. No matter what the tempo setting, it'll always be 320 ms between repeats.
You can tap tempo and make the parameter value follow the song tempo.

Try dotted eighth notes for U2 and Floyd'ish effects.
Eighth note triplets are cool too, especially for tremolo.

With a bit of math, you can calculate the ms or hz from the tempo and note value if needed since not all time parameters can be set by tap tempo.

If you're lazy like me, there's several online calculators that will do it for you. Google "bpm to ms calculator".

Tap tempo and note values are the best. Effects usually sound better when they are synced up to the tempo of the song. Sounds less chaotic and can sit in the mix a bit better. Sometimes chaotic is a good thing though. :encouragement:
.8th and 1/8 or 1/4 in parallel is really cool as well. You get a galloping rhythm out of it. I use that all the time. You can either use the dual delay or 2 delays (if you want to use different types).
Eighth note triplets are cool too, especially for tremolo.

With a bit of math, you can calculate the ms or hz from the tempo and note value if needed since not all time parameters can be set by tap tempo.

If you're lazy like me, there's several online calculators that will do it for you. Google "bpm to ms calculator".

Tap tempo and note values are the best. Effects usually sound better when they are synced up to the tempo of the song. Sounds less chaotic and can sit in the mix a bit better. Sometimes chaotic is a good thing though. :encouragement:

I use the H-Delay plugin in Pro Tools as my BPM calc. Any delay plug that syncs to host tempo and shows the ms works as a BPM calc :)
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