Default Scene on Footswitch


Still on FW 3.00 for now.

I am pretty much using the default layouts: Presets, Scenes, More Scenes, etc. The first 4 bottom switches show the scenes, then the More button.

The default scene is saved fine with the preset so when I change Presets, it switches to Layout 2 (Scenes) as it should and the default scene loads up fine.

However, I have a Preset where the default is Scene 5. Selecting the Preset (or through Setlist/Songs feature), Scene 5 loads up fine, but the Footswitch shows the Scenes 1-4 view. I have to press the More button to get to Scenes 5-8 view, for which Scene 5 is now highlighted. I was expecting that the default Scene would load up and highlighted on the footswitches as well.

I could move my Scenes around by moving default scenes always to 1-4 but thought maybe I am missing something?

Edit: Possible important note, I have Preset switches using Layout links going to Scene Layout 2, View 1, so maybe this is the issue? Even though it also happens using Setlist/Songs feature?
The default scene is completely independent of the linked layout. So if you chose to have your default view being layout 2, well then it will show only the first 4 scenes unless you rearrange layout 2 to show more scenes (sacrificing other functionality). You could, however, default to the per-preset layout and arrange it to show the scenes as you need them.
Actually, while this works for the most part, I am now having an issue with the Setlist/Song selection. My setlist layout is basically Song +1 and Song -1.

When advancing a setlist song going into the Preset with the Scene 5, it loads up Scene 5 and the footswitch per preset override highlights and works great. Advancing to the next song and preset selects the next preset and scene fine also.

However, if I go back one song in the setlist (not that this would happen often unless I double advance), the previous preset, which has a default scene 1, stays on scene 5 (which is empty in this case for that preset). If I select the preset manually, it loads default scene fine.
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