Wish Default preset number when copying blocks


After pushing F1 to select a preset and then switch with the 'Page' button to the 'Effect' tab, I can copy blocks from other presets to the current preset. The default source preset, however, is always 01-1 after powering on.

If you use this quite regularly and like to have, for instance, 23-4 as the source preset, it takes a lot of button turning to get there.
Therefore, it would be helpful to either have the current preset being the default preset, or have a global setting to specify either a specific default preset number (01-1 to ...) or 'current preset' as the default source for coyping.
Another helpful feature would be, if the F2 and F3 button would increase /decrease the bank number of the source preset. So you at least could get from 01-1 to 23-1 a bit faster. Thanks.
Designating the current preset as the default "source" preset doesn't make sense, I think. Why would you want to make the source and target preset the same?
Designating the current preset as the default "source" preset doesn't make sense, I think. Why would you want to make the source and target preset the same?
Just to have a starting point that's close to my currently edited preset and avoids turning the knob excessively.
For instance, I have different presets for my P90, single coil, PAF guitars, which differ in some details (input, output, drive settings ...). Now I've changed an effect block in a P90 preset in bank 23 and want to copy this to the PAF presets (bank 24) and single coil presets (bank 25). Having 23-x as the default source preset would be very helpful in a live setting, where I have no computer and Axe-Edit available.
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