Debut EP recorded with Fractal


New Member
I borrowed a friend's Ultra to record our EP and was so impressed that I bought a Standard after the first day of trying his unit! I've since done away with all the tube gear and bulky cabs... This thing is just magical! Anyway, the EP doesn't drop till May 3rd but here is a quick clip from a teaser vid we just put out. The amp is the 5105 with the Cali 4X12.

YouTube - Dodging Daylight Teaser

Cheers for looking!
I really avoided the Fractal for a long time just in case it was a fluke device. I have always been a bit of a tube snob. This experience has changed everything for me though. The best part is how it simplifies everything and will bring some much needed reliability and piece of mind to my rig. In the last year I have gone through a Mesa Stiletto Trident, Mesa MKV and a Mesa Dual Rec which have all failed due to reliability issues. I used to use 5150/6505s all the time which were much more reliable but started to have issues with ground loops in the effects loop with the last few I had toured with in other projects. I own an Eleven Rack which I like for writing scratch tracks and song development before going in to record in a studio but I needed something with a bit more power and flexibility. My bro letting me borrow his Ultra was like destiny. I am so glad I made the switch. I didn't need all the stuff in the Ultra so I got the Standard based on how we programmed the Ultra. Either way this thing rocks and I'm really excited to use it on tour this summer. Just deciding on my backline now lol.
LOL The name of the album is "For Your Health"... We love Steve Brule... A personal idol of mine. hahah the other tags were for sh1ts and grins. Did I mention I love this frippin' rack? Oh yeah I think I did. My producer called and said he has been sitting in front of it for hours tweaking away and re-amping samples in the studio and then re-tweaking. It got so bad that he ordered one for himself... Glad I was able to facilitate that.
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