DAW output level too low/axe fx too high

Right on, the volume issue has been a little annoying but it makes the set up easier for me.
You need to solve the problem of the Axe output controlling the backing track playback first. Once you do that, you can turn down the Axe either with the Volume knob or the track level in your DAW.

Waiting on that picture I requested earlier :)

will do..the problem is almost certainly within logic as it thinks that the AXE is connected. If i restart a project it defaults to AXE FX in the audio preferences. If i switch the AXE FX off it brings up a warning dialogue. Ive disconnected the USB from the hub but Logic still 'sees' the device in the audio menu. Im done with Logic 9, it's been a pile of shit since i bought it and didn't work properly on my previous Mac either...It's like using a crack version..My main issue is with the AXE volume drowning out the backing track..ie AXE too loud/backing track too quiet. Ive been remixing the track trying to increase the volume without peaking but it doesn't sound the same anymore and I still haven't recorded any guitar and the track will probably require remixing again when the guitar is there.
I don't use USB with the AXE because of the dreadful tone (sounds very thin and fizzy) and latency. Theoretically the tone should be identical and any latency issues down to the buffer, but it makes no difference what the settings are so ive given up on it until i change my DAW...which i think will be sooner rather than later...then i'll have fun trying to get that to work if there are any artifacts of 9 left on my system...which there will be. The Logic issues are beyond the scope of this forum, but i think that the original copy i have is corrupted because the same faults have manifest themselves on different computers.
How do i cure the duplication of the input signal, and how do i lower the input volume?
It doesn't matter if Logic "thinks" the Axe is connected though. If the Axe volume knob controls anything playing back from your computer, it HAS TO BE connected via USB or somehow you are routing signal back into the Axe.

Please describe all connections to and from the Axe.

If your Axe truly isn't connected via USB, then just reduce the Channel that your Axe is recording to in your Logic Mixer.
Use the VU meters in the Axe (I/O Menu) to set your average preset levels near the indicated 0db mark. If you presets are too hot, you will not be able to easily balance the levels with backing tracks without clipping.

If you try to combine two hot signals that are each near clipping, the resulting signal usually will clip. To combat this, the USB return feed (USB output 1 and 2) was reduced by 6dB when mixed with Output 1 a couple of firmwares back because really loud mixes would cause output clipping when playing along. As a result, you may have to reduce your preset levels a little to ensure easy balancing of levels when playing along with tracks via USB. This does non affect those using analog outs to a second interface.
Now this is just me. Others here use and enjoy their Axe FX as an audio interface with no issues Im sure. I however wanted the Axe to be for my guitar "only" and it was purchased that way because I already had 2 other audio interfaces available when I bought the Axe II... That being said I would have went this route anyway because Im anal in that regard... :encouragement: I use an older MOTU 828 mk3 firewire that works well with my firewire iMac for recording. I use Logic X, much much improved over Logic 9 if you are remotely interested in upgrades. I also use Cubase 8 and really like its new looks... Hope this helps!
The Focusrite 2i2 doesn't allow a stereo input for playback, as far as I can tell. So it can record 2 discreet tracks and you can pan later, but you can't pan the inputs hard left and right for realtime monitoring.

Is it possible to;
-Connect axe via usb to computer and use it just for recording
-Connect an audio interface(scarlett 2i2 maybe) via usb and use it just for playback at the same time??

I am not sure if it is possible to configure a DAW to 2 different external interfaces at the same time, but if yes , i may think buying a simple interface to have an individual volume control of the playback.
I think you have problems a lot of which are finger trouble, poor computer setup, and lack of understanding of your equipment. Logic Pro is not a piece of shit for a start, it works well enough for lots of people around the place to do very good work on, it has bugs sure but they are not life threatening. There is nothing wrong with the USB interface on the Axe, it works perfectly well for recording and re-amping tracks. There is no way for the playback to be affected by the Axe if it is not plugged into the USB, it may show up in the Audio preferences if it has been recently disconnected but the entry will have brackets around it. There is something seriously wrong with your setup if you have all these problems with Logic.
Is it possible to;
-Connect axe via usb to computer and use it just for recording
-Connect an audio interface(scarlett 2i2 maybe) via usb and use it just for playback at the same time??

I am not sure if it is possible to configure a DAW to 2 different external interfaces at the same time, but if yes , i may think buying a simple interface to have an individual volume control of the playback.

Yes, I switch between the Axe and a Sapphire interface for recording, playback is alway through the Sapphire.
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