Closed DAW Mode in FM3 - less blocks CPU saving

With hardware limits in the little brother FM3 vs AXE -a long shot thought ;

Since lots of us use the FM3 at home with the DAW and the possibility external CAB , delay and reverb etc VST POST effects
, what about an official ' DAW mode ' - opening a 'grey' menu with some CPU demanding Blocks with the price of limited
totally ex 4-6 Blocks use ?
Separated / availbility from the Normal mode so it doesn't mix up in a stressful knob tweaking live' situation.

Now maybe some CPU 'pacman power eaters' but nice AXE effects never comes to the FM3 since the 'long chain ' eats up the about +82% quickly.
But if you accept this limited terms before, it's better to be able to use some feature at all with the DAW then never.

(Of course it's possible now to just try less blocks , but in a way frustrating for people if some CPU eater crushes the long chain it's normally made for).
People use their DAWs in different ways. Some use the Delay blocks in the FM3, some don't, some use the Cab block, some don't, etc.
Why not copy your favorite presets with DAW in namens and remove the unwanted blocks?
So for example presets 450-470 "My DAW presets" or something.
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