Damn I love this band…Kings X

@RevDrucifer Awesome bass tone - love Spectors as well. I don't see the preset on AxeChange unless it's one of these?

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They're actually factory cabs!

You'll have to tweak for your bass, but the core sound is there. Ignore the "Dont tweak this preset" scene name, that's just for me to not mess that one up. :D


  • Squidbass.syx
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They're actually factory cabs!

You'll have to tweak for your bass, but the core sound is there. Ignore the "Dont tweak this preset" scene name, that's just for me to not mess that one up. :D
Nice! I have been thinking of getting a 5 string not sure which one but I know I want a 5 string. I have been eyeballing an LTD 205 but not totally convinced that's what I should go for. Not looking to spend a ton of money so sub 1k.
Nice! I have been thinking of getting a 5 string not sure which one but I know I want a 5 string. I have been eyeballing an LTD 205 but not totally convinced that's what I should go for. Not looking to spend a ton of money so sub 1k.

FWIW, the bass in that Dogman vid is a Spector Pulse, they make a 4 and 5 string version, I got it for $880 from FretNation when they were brand new, you can find them floating around used for cheaper! Ebony fingerboard, stainless steel frets, roasted maple neck, EMG's, Spector TonePump Jr, it sounds like a Spector!
The 18v Spectors in a 5 or 6 string are beyond awesome!

I picked up a Sterling 5 string for super cheap. It needs a custom preamp ..when I get the time.
FWIW, the bass in that Dogman vid is a Spector Pulse, they make a 4 and 5 string version, I got it for $880 from FretNation when they were brand new, you can find them floating around used for cheaper! Ebony fingerboard, stainless steel frets, roasted maple neck, EMG's, Spector TonePump Jr, it sounds like a Spector!
Thanks for the recommendation! I will give them a look see, I don't know much about Bass guitars so any insight I can get in the budget range is much appreciated.
Huge fan of Ty's playing. Also really like everything up to Tapehead. They have pretty much lost me after that.
I'm a fan as well.
They had come to several of our shows we did in Chicago back in the 90's My band's singer grew up with them.

We also partied with them in Tx back then, remember one time when Dimebag called Doug on the phone during a party and was like man, what do you think of this lick and he started playing guitar for Doug lol

Fun times, great dudes.
KX has long been one of my favorites, probably listened/registered to their albums more than any other group other than the Beatles.

Seen KX many times live, in Germany and Georgia.

I really liked Jughead's first album - listened to that MANY times.

I've got KX's latest in my car right now. Good stuff!
Thanks Bman! Kings X has been a long time fav, Something about thats sound that resonates with me.
It's funny. I re-discovered them late, like in the past 5 years. I'm 53 and knew they were favorites of all the artists I liked. I remember 'Black Flag' and 'It's Love' back in the day and it didn't move the needle for me for some reason. Then when I got the AX8 and I really listened to everyone's tone and appreciated the nuances, I remember hearing It's Love and being floored by the tone. I recall thinking it sounded like Dime's solid state rig. I downloaded a ton of their music and really appreciated that single coil, dropped tuning, sound. 'Lost in Germany' really floored me. Still does. Now they're a constant on all of my playlists. Unfortunately, I don't have a guitar that can replicate the old tones. My MIM strat's single coil is too hot and doesn't get the snap I need. The guitar needs an overhaul.
Love 'em!
I'm fortunate to have seen the Faith, Hope, and Love (x 3) and Dogman tours here in Dallas TX with them solo and then opening seperately for AC/DC, Motley Crue, and Living Colour. They are one of those bands that should have been huge.
Did you ever go to On the Rocks in Deep Ellum? My band use to play there when we traveled through Texas. We opened for Kings X too!
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