Cygnus Is Not Like Other Firmwares


It's a sea change. The typical advice for FW updates is to re-set the amp block, and that does make a very noticeable difference with Cygnus.

But I've had the best results from re-building my presets from scratch. A lot of work, yes. And very worth it.

YMMV of course.
I'm not one to heap praise upon every update, but this time around... trust me.. cygnus takes no prisoners. I can almost feel the power tube heat through my studio cans, it's that real...
Very seriously, Cygnus lays waste, sacks and pillages, convinces us to do its will... Cygnus, thy name is truly Cthulhu and we bow before you.

I'd like to be the first to welcome our new overlord, Cthulhu... err... Cygnus. It's all so confusing.
I'm not one to heap praise upon every update, but this time around... trust me.. cygnus takes no prisoners. I can almost feel the power tube heat through my studio cans, it's that real...

That's one of the things I see fairly consistently regarding peoples thoughts on Cygnus; it's noticeably different, smells like hot tubes, and users who don't usually enthuse about updates are coming out of the woodwork with praise for it...I'm finding that all very telling. When Cygnus arrives for the FM3 I anticipate great, great things....
That's one of the things I see fairly consistently regarding peoples thoughts on Cygnus; it's noticeably different, smells like hot tubes, and users who don't usually enthuse about updates are coming out of the woodwork with praise for it...I'm finding that all very telling. When Cygnus arrives for the FM3 I anticipate great, great things....
Been on this ride since the Ultra days. I'm a picky fu*%er, and this firmware could make me part with many of my real amps.

Up until now, I always could tell the real thing apart from the Axe III, not anymore, at least not consistently. Only the very best power tube overdrive based amps stand a very slim chance against the Axe III, as overdriven power tubes introduce an element of randomness that is tough to capture algorithmically. The run of the mill amps are not even worth the comparison.

I don't know what Cliff has done exactly in Cygnus, but it brought many amp models to life that I ignored or even hated previously. Never really bonded with the Bogner preamps, but they sound phenomenally now. I always liked the Soldano X99 preamp models, but under cygnus, it's just so much better.

What a brutal firmware Cygnus is...the Quantum Axe II update is nothing compared to this.
That's one of the things I see fairly consistently regarding peoples thoughts on Cygnus; it's noticeably different, smells like hot tubes, and users who don't usually enthuse about updates are coming out of the woodwork with praise for it...I'm finding that all very telling. When Cygnus arrives for the FM3 I anticipate great, great things....
FM3 owner here, waiting patiently to smell Cygnus hot tubes. 🔥😁
I think April is going to be a pretty great month for the Fm3 w Cygnus , the drive block, and Ultra res cabs on the way
Im actually planning on re-dialling my presets from scratch today. I did notice a big difference in the beta in terms of how my favourite amps react. Maybe Ill have some new favourites now :)
it´s really great...but I am finding it to be darker fw overal for amps I tried...after reseting amp block I have to use about 10% more of treble or presence or both.
How old are your strings? How sharp is your pick?

I thought I had less bloom on a guitar, before I looked at the old strings on it haha.

Haha yeah, nice try but the pick and strings are always fresh /,,/
I compared ares 15 vs cygnus in few mins of difference, so picks and strings shouldn´t go bad really.

It´s not a complain though, maybe that´s how my ears plays mind games with me, maybe because of more lows overall it seems like there´s less hi end :)
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