Cycling and hand numbness.

I had a similar predicament a few months ago. I read about the ulnar nerve and cyclist elbow while trying to diagnose my problem, but I don't cycle.

Turns out my problem was caused by sitting at a computer with my left elbow resting on the desk, my left palm cupping my chin. I was compressing my nerves in my elbow and making my left pinky and ring finger go numb.

I put an extra mouse pad on my desk right where I put my elbow which reminds my to either cushion my elbow or just not rest on it that way.

What was really funny (to me anyway) was that as I was reading this forum describing the position that caused the problem, I was sitting in the exact way that was being described.

I have not had a numbness for a while now. Luckily, I had not done any permanent damage.

I hope everything gets back to normal for you. I was seriously bummed about mine. I thought I was going to have to give up guitar.
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Hey guys n gals.
I've tried to get back into cycling recently and having never had any previous problems before but now I've found after short bike rides am getting numbness in my little + ring fingers on my left hand only ( am guessing caused by handlebar vibrations ! )
Feels like my funny bone is being hit again and again.
It's not as bad as it was but I've stopped for a week and am still getting pins and needles in my 2 left hand fingers to a much lesser extent but as a guitarist it's making it tricky !!
Anyone had this problem / can offer any advice ?
Will rest up meanwhile and hope it fixes itself !
- David

Get these phenomena at every (once a year with the kids) long bike trip and during fall after wood cutting with the chainsaw also. Until now it always disappeared after a week or so. Using gloves will shorten the problem for me but isn't always very practical. Wish you a fast recovery, cheers.
I think its quite common in guitarists - we spend long periods of time with our necks at an angle as we peer downwards at a pretty sharp angle. My neck, funny bone, shoulder blade and fingers went bananas a year or 2 back - the doc gave me pills and a referral to a physio which would have meant a 6 month wait in agony! I went privately to a chiropractor who sorted me out over about 4 or 5 sessions over 2 weeks after depressing me by showing me my damaged tilting neck vertebrae in an x-ray.

I don't like the idea of 'over-manipulation' so I only go back every 6 months or so for a re-straighten session ..... it sounds like I'm at the end of a rope on a gallows when he crunches my neck - but it definitely helps.

I do neck exercises now too - tuck chin in as if trying to make it reach your spine and try and tilt your head upwards (dont look in mirror while doing this - you look like Kenny Everett doing 'Marcel').
I second that with the Roubaix. I have one too and its very comfortable even with my 245 ib body riding own it for long distances.

It's also has a more relaxed riding position, compared to full on race bikes, which I find more comfortable as I get older.
Had the same problem - a lot. Best fix I know is lots of crunches and back extension for core strength (= less weight on hands). Also helps to use drop bars, keep moving your hand position all the time, and cultivate a lighter grip (when conditions allow). Riding standing up often also helps. Good luck, ride on.
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