Curious: how many use frfr or cab for “your” stage sound


Curious: how many use frfr or cab for “your” stage sound

I use an frfr (atomic clr)… and then also run FOH…

Do you run into gigs where you Fractal is not going into the PA? I have not yet… but wanted to ask…
I send my output 1 L&R to FOH stereo at casinos and send Output 2 left to a Friedman ASC12 for stage cab. I run stereo ears that hear what the house hears and I level my friedman behind me to get the thump and air push to make me comfortable. I’ve been doing it this way for about 2 years and it’s great!!
I send my output 1 L&R to FOH stereo at casinos and send Output 2 left to a Friedman ASC12 for stage cab. I run stereo ears that hear what the house hears and I level my friedman behind me to get the thump and air push to make me comfortable. I’ve been doing it this way for about 2 years and it’s great!!
I do the same but use tech 21 for stage volume. I love it

On couple occasions I had to use my tech 21 to provide all guitar sound for the gig as we only fed vocals into PA. With extension cab it was enough volume and the sound was quite good
We have our own PA, and always sent through the PA in stereo. Some venues have a PA, and since we run in-ears, we run our QSC Touchmix as the main mixer, and then put it into 2 channels on the venue's board, panned hard left and right - works like a charm, since we can set the overall EQ on the Touchmix mixer to tune the Venue's PA.
All we had to do was take their 16 channels of the venue's snake, and plug it straight into our mixer, and send the main L & R outs to the house mixer. We are able to keep our In-Ear monitor mix from our board. Works great!
Also, we have our own sound engineer that does a fantastic job - he constantly gets compliments from other bands on the mix he is running for us. (no, he doesn't hire out to other bands! LOL!)
With one band it's output 1 to FOH & output 2 to FRFR monitor. With another it's output 1 to FOH & no monitors at all (In-Ears).
I usually use my FRFR for my stage sound and it's loud enough to cover small rooms as is, but I'll also send FOH a (courtesy) feed if I let someone else sit in and they don't know how to use their guitar's volume control to boost their own volume; It helps FOH feel in control because they can boost it from the console.

The only problem is when FOH decides to add more reverb because they're feeling "creative". :-/
I use a Redsound Elis8 FRFR as a monitor for my guitar when I play larger gigs, with my guitar also going to FOH. But I also use the FRFR as my only guitar sound when playing smaller jazz duo gigs and such.
I run my guitar plus vocals in my FRFR, so it would be uncomfortable to swap it to guitar only.
I'm all about that cab life.

The main reason is that I'm lazy and poor lol. FRFR speakers are better, but they are expensive and heavy. On the other hand, my practice space and most gigs I've played already have a cab (or even two for stereo) ready to go already.

It's absolutely not ideal. So much of my sound is the cab sims in the FM9, and that's what I want my audience to hear (and me for that matter). Wherever possible, I'm sending stereo feeds to both FOH and our own IEM mixer.

But despite the IEM monitoring, I still feel like I want a cab on stage, if for no other reason than for controlled feedback. Ideally, this cab will point straight at me without hitting the audience directly.

Plus, it gives me flexibility. Sound guy too scared to handle guitars at all, or DI from the guitar? No worries; I can get by just using whatever cabs are around, sound guy can even mic those if he has to. IEM issues, or want to run without IEMs for a gig? No worries, the cab gives me on-stage monitoring that I can control.

It's not the perfect tone I sculpted, especially if the cab just sucks, but it gets me out of trouble in imperfect situations.

So I run
  • output 1 to IEM system
  • output 2 to FOH
  • output 3 to a power amp on my pedal board, with no cab sim.

10/10, would recommend.
it all comes down to what you need to hear.

at gigs where there's no monitors, only mains, is that enough of your guitar for you to hear? if not bring a speaker.
at gigs where there are monitors, do you get enough of yourself in the mix and does it sound ok? if not bring a speaker.

if you bring a speaker, be prepared to have it turned down if the sound guy asks.

venues where only vocals go to the PA still exist, meaning any other instrument comes from a speaker of its own. these are usually very small rooms. to get a mix that sounds good doing that means every instrument needs to be conscious of that and not keep turning up.

scope out the venue before playing there. see what they provide and if a band is playing even better, so you can hear what is going on. bring what you need for your gig using that information.
I use one or two EV-PXM12s depending on the size of the stage. It is really not for backline but more for my own monitoring.
I run direct to FOH. I do use one EV for rehearsals.
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