Wish Crunch Berries model


Power User
Does Fractal have enough of a working relationship with Metallica to get their hands on the infamous Crunch Berries?
I know we have the C++, but from my understanding this isn't a model of James's actual amp. Any chance we could see Crunch Berries in the future?
So, to get the Crunch Berries tone, did they...

1) Use mostly default settings, changing the parameters most of us change.
2) Change the advanced parameters.
3) Tone Match
4) All of the above

They somehow got it with the same unit we all have. The advantage they have is that they can tone match the actual amp. I'd say that's a good advantage. I would think if they didn't get as close as they wanted, there would always be a chance we could see a model of the amp down the road, like we did with the Keith Urban amp. But if they nailed the tone with the models available, it wouldn't be necessary to include it. At least not for James sake. Just a thought.
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