Crawling out of the studio - AGAIN


Power User
Damn , I just survived a frickin marathon of riff -mania after creating my favorite amp sound - to date.
Jump- 50 , using a Les Paul R0 ( G0 ). Sounds too good to be true. Lol.
I spent my last hour of playing trying to make changes to improve it even more , and I can't.

The best tweak I made was lowering the preamp bias and raising the Poweramp bias. They ended up meeting with the same value of .080 ( I think )

I have never had a range of clean to distortion , with my guitar volume knob , like this , in my life.
Like every great preset should be , it's dialed in specifically for a particular guitar , and man it sounds good !
Sorry for the rant. I've had this unit since it was released , and I am continually blown away. The sound I'm getting right now is just amazing.
Thank you FAS , and the people on this forum for the hints , tricks , and advice.
What is this black magic you speak of? those bias controls are voodoo for me. What made you think of it and those settings??
Can you be persuaded to post the preset? I’m sure my 2004 LP std, and more important my fingers, don’t sound the same as yours. But it would be funny to look into the tweaks you made :)

And everybody loves a nice plexi tone :)
I can try to post my sound. I'm sure it's a " one man's treasure" deal though.
I've been playing through a new Xitone powered wedge. The guitar is a Gibson R0 ( G0 ).
Unless you have these 2 elements ( and my taste ) , I doubt you'll get to experience what made me write about my joy , and the lack of skin on my finger tips.

I've fallen victim to using Ax-Edit extensively since I got my AX8. Id fire up my mixer and my computer every time I played.
With my Xitone , I feel like I'm playing an amp , instead of hearing my guitar as a - post production guitar "track". Turn on the Xi , my Ax8 , and it's AMP CITY.
To be clear , I was playing a Les Paul with vintage style , low output pups , before switching to the R0 , and was surprised with the difference in sound. The R0 sounded farty in the low end ( with my go-to preset ) , and thus my AX8 needed some tonal tweaks.

This is what pushed me into the Tweak Zone. Using my AX8 without a computer forced me to use the units controls. This is another important part of my experience. I would encourage users to use the controls on the surface of their unit , instead of jumping to AX8-edit.

As for my bias tweaks , they were a matter of trying to differentiate preamp gain and Poweramp gain , and making the adjustments - to taste.
I don't know much about the multitude of adjustable parameters available within the AX8. I've mentioned in other posts , that there are guys here that are Wizards of tweaks. I am not one of them. Lol.
This thread was meant to inspire others to experiment.
Select an adjustable parameter , grab a knob , and twist it. ....Not sure what it does ?...... Turn it near it's maximum value , and - Listen. What changed ? Then , use more - or less , or put it back to it's original value if it sounds best where it was. "Most" will sound best at it's original value.
Good luck.
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