Copy amp settings to another amp?


New Member
Is there a way to copy all the settings from one amp to another amp all at once? I'm not talking about copying one channel to another. I mean, say I have a Brit 800 2204 set up just how I like it. I want to copy all those settings, open a completely different amp (a Plexi for example) and paste those settings to the new amp without having to change each setting manually. It sure would save time.
Click on the first Amp block in the grid, and copy it.

Click on the second Amp block and paste.

Compare the various tabs. Everything should have pasted.
Copy the block, paste into a new one, change the amp type to the one you want.

Some settings may get reset to the defaults for the new amp type doing it this way, I'm not sure.
Yes. Right click on the amp. Copy Block. Go to a new or empty preset. Paste. done.

You can also save the amp to a Library.
Is there a way to copy all the settings from one amp to another amp all at once? I'm not talking about copying one channel to another. I mean, say I have a Brit 800 2204 set up just how I like it. I want to copy all those settings, open a completely different amp (a Plexi for example) and paste those settings to the new amp without having to change each setting manually. It sure would save time.

That makes no sense at all. Think about it.
That makes no sense at all. Think about it.
Guess I'm dumb.

Yes there are obvious limitations, like possibly not having the same controls, or not sounding remotely similar with the same settings, but the idea is potentially worth a shot, at least in some cases.

I think it'd be interesting to hear how an amp sounds with settings built for another one.

That's especially true if the amps are similar. You'd essentially be hearing what's different about them besides what their default settings are.
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