Cooper Carter reviews FW15

Every tone in this video is the 100% stock FW 15 USA LEAD preset.

For the CA Tucana 3 and Jr Blues sections, I just changed the amp type in the preset and left all amp settings at default until you see me change something onscreen.

Firstly as always great playing Cooper.

But this shows to me just how far firmware updates have come. Real amps don't have all the advanced parameters we have access to in the Axe.

Real amp, you plug in, adjust gain, bass, mid, treble to taste and play. We pretty much have this now in the digital world.

Great review Cooper... hit all the high points and your style was clear and to the point. Your playing is great, as always. Thanks!
Nice, Cooper. Great job.

You seem to use your MM Petrucci for all your demo stuff, which would appear to be a very versatile guitar. Got any thoughts to share on that?
A friend has been contemplating transitioning from his MASSIVE Line 6 "dream rig" to an AxeFX. I forwarded him this video and I'm pretty sure it will be the tipping point for him.

Great vid Cooper. Your playing has evolved exponentially since the first vids I saw on your channel. Can definitely tell you're putting time into your craft and maturing into a monster player. Great chops, and an excellent way to demo the AxeFX.
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