Cool resonant frequency trick


So I was reamping a metal project I was working on with the axe and I just couldn't get the guitars to be beefy but not muddy. The music called for a massive tone. Tried all sorts of amps and cabs, hated it all. So I did a quick little google search and found this:

Frequencies of Musical Notes, A4 = 440 Hz

The specific frequency for each note. The EP was in drop C so I found the frequency for C3 (130.81Hz) and made that my resonant frequency in my amp's speaker menu. BAM, guitars were beefy, but not muddy. The boosted frequencies were centered exactly where they needed to be. The music pedals off of the low string ALOT so having that fortified low note made a huge difference. I'm interested to try it on super low tuned guitars to see if it will help them the same way. Hopefully someone will find this helpful!

Is anyone else using this? Am I way behind the times? Is there something cooler I could do with this?
Finally! I've done something naturally without prior knowledge lol. I play in drop-A and i've actually been dialing in my speaker res frequency to 110hz because it was the perfect balance between meat and clarity. Huzzah! I can hear something for once hahahah. :)
In mixing it's almost always better to NOT boost the fundamental...
When it works in your case, great!
I was just wonderin this today - if setting the res. freq. of the amp would lock into the key of the song.
Being interested in learning every trick, I suppose tone matching, then this would be part of the secret sauce of a given tune.

It was a Boston tune I was tweakin.
I'm certain that I've posted that website at least a dozen times on this conversation topic. It's so powerful as a reference and works well for dialling out resonances on those woofy notes/chords.
This is great, I play in a few different tunings, so I might try to set this according to the patch (1 patch per song on my set up)

Edit: Turns out that 110Hz is the default for the 5153 and I tune to drop A, so no sounding better for me - im already there hahaha. Although, I'll still need to re-set it for my drop C and C# standard stuff hahaha
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