Controlling Scenes Via Midi - NEED HELP!

Folks....I'm hoping you can help me with my issue. I'm trying to use a Midi Moose and Midi Solutions Event Processor to change scenes within the A2. According to the manual .... you have to send a CC#34 Value 0-1 for scenes 1-8. This command as I recorded in Midi Ox is a B0 22 00 through B0 22 07. I've programmed the Event Processor to map program change PC 0 to CC#34 value 0-7 accordingly. I've also recorded the output of the Midi Moose and Event Processor in Midi Ox to ensure it matches the midi thru port of the AxeFX 2 when my Scene IA buttons are pressed and they are identical. However, the scenes do not change visually or audible.

The midi moose directly into the midi in of the MFC works fine when changing banks and presets so I know the midi channel, Mide RX are setup correctly. I just cant get the scenes to change in the A2.

Is there anything I'm missing here?

Thanks a bunch!

After additional troubleshooting, I've determined that something in the MFC is preventing CC messages from being forwarded when they are transmitted via the midi in of the MFC.

- I by passed the MFC and connected the output of the event processor to the midi in of A2 and it mapped the program changes to change the scenes just as desired.
- So I then proceeded to hook it back up to the midi in on the MFC 101 and determined that the MFC was not passing the CC messages as the midi light on the A2 was non-responsive and I was snooping the midi thru port on the A2 with Midi Ox and there was no data present upon depressing the switch
- It does appear that the MFC will pass Program Changes as I removed the Event Processor from the chain and simply had the midi moose connected to the midi in of the MFC and the A2 changed banks/presets, midi light responsive on A2 and data was passed from the midi thru port on the A2.

There is a setting, bug, lack of capability in the MFC to pass CC messages to the A2 from a remote source.

My hope is that it's a simple fix and someone can provide some direction. Any input/help is appreciated!
The MFC MIDI out isn't an out/thru. It's not really passing program changes--you're sending a PC command that tells the MFC to switch presets, then it sends whatever it's set up to send for that preset, which may or may not match the upstream PC# & channel.

This might work how you'd like with MFC connected via CAT5, event processor via conventional MIDI in. I'm not sure if that will update MFC IA states upon scene changes.
I use the MFC connected via Ethernet, and the Axe out/thru will transmit the MFC CCs to my other gear.
The MFC MIDI out isn't an out/thru. It's not really passing program changes--you're sending a PC command that tells the MFC to switch presets, then it sends whatever it's set up to send for that preset, which may or may not match the upstream PC# & channel.

This might work how you'd like with MFC connected via CAT5, event processor via conventional MIDI in. I'm not sure if that will update MFC IA states upon scene changes.

Hi Bakerman,

I'm not using the Midi out of the MFC. The MFC is connected to the A2 via the Expansion Port. Program Changes sent via the Midi Moose to the MFC Midi in port are passed via the Cat5 cable and even to the A2 Midi Thru port as I see the Data passed to Midi Ox in realtime. The MFC display changes along with the A2 display with no issues.

The fault is when I use the event processor to map the program changes to CC messages ..... something in the MFC filters those those messages from being passed to the A2. I thought it was maybe due to using a combination of the Cat5 and midi. So I used the MFC Power Adapter and a 7 pin midi cable to have a complete midi interface and saw the same issue!

Program Changes are passed fine and Mapped CC messages are filtered in the MFC and not even passed to the A2.

Keep in mind that if I go direct to the Midi in on the A2 ..... it changes scenes perfectly!

Funny thing is I don't care about scenes all that much but it should work so I'm gonna keep at it! Thanks for the input!
I use the MFC connected via Ethernet, and the Axe out/thru will transmit the MFC CCs to my other gear.

Hi Chris ..... I agree 100%. What I'm trying to do is pass CC messages sent to the midi in port on the MFC to A2 for processing. It handles Program Changes perfectly, but will not pass external CC commands back to the A2.
I'm pretty sure the in of the MFC won't transmit "thru" to the axe because that's not a thru, it's an out.

You might have to get a MIDI split thing and have both units connected to the Axe In instead.
I'm pretty sure the in of the MFC won't transmit "thru" to the axe because that's not a thru, it's an out.

You might have to get a MIDI split thing and have both units connected to the Axe In instead.

Hey Chris ... had the same thought so I tested this with two scenario's.

1. The MFC was connected via Expansion Port to the A2, Midi Moose Only into the A2 Midi in Port ---- Result was Midi Moose changed banks/presets as desired, MFC and A2 Screens updated accordingly. PC Messages were also passed to the A2 Midi Out/Thru port and recorded in Midi Ox on my computer.

2. The MFC was connected via Expansion Port to the A2, Midi Moose into the Event Processor then to Midi in of A2 ---- Result No change to the scenes or any parameters on the A2, no front panel indication that a Midi event was even reaching the A2 and no data passed to the A2 Midi Thru port and subsequently to Midi Ox on my computer!

Going to try mapping and PC event to another PC event within the Event Processor and repeat this test. If the Event Processors passes a PC and the A2 accepts and responds then I have to conclude that the A2 can't process external CC messages WHILE an MFC is connected via CAT5 or Midi.

Very frustrating as the Scenes Manual seems to represent differently! I would be happy to test any scenario that you feel is beneficial towards a resolution.

Thanks so much for your interaction on this!
Just guessing here. Is it possible that the MFC isn't "passing" PC messages but is simply responding to them (which has the result of looking like it passes them). That might explain why that part works. Get a LF+ man. You won't regret it!!!
Just guessing here. Is it possible that the MFC isn't "passing" PC messages but is simply responding to them (which has the result of looking like it passes them). That might explain why that part works. Get a LF+ man. You won't regret it!!!

I can't really justify the LF + ..... I was able to pick up a Midi Moose cheap and from reading all the specs, this should be possible. The PC changes do get passed cause I see them in the Midi Monitor in Midi Ox which is from the Midi Out of the A2 which is the last connection in the chain. I've messaged with another member trying to do the same thing and got the same result. I've just concluded the MFC can't pass external CC messages. No big deal .... gonna use the Midi Moose to change bank/preset and have 17 IA switches on the MFC. Who really cares about scenes anyways. Thx....
The PC changes do get passed cause I see them in the Midi Monitor in Midi Ox which is from the Midi Out of the A2 which is the last connection in the chain. I've messaged with another member trying to do the same thing and got the same result. I've just concluded the MFC can't pass external CC messages.

MFC manual sections 12.4.4 & 12.4.5 might clear up what stevieray & I mentioned. What you're seeing is the MFC sending a PC that happens to be the same as what you sent it, because the MFC preset is configured to send that PC as well. The PC sent to the MFC recalls an MFC preset; the MFC sends whatever it's set up to send as if you had simply recalled that preset via an MFC preset switch.

According to the manual the Axe should process data sent to either the CAT5 or MIDI in port. It's not clear why the MFC being connected via CAT5 would affect whether a CC to the Axe MIDI in port is able to change scenes. If that's happening it might be something for FA to look into.
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Yeah, Bakerman gets what I was guessing at. I'm not an MFC guy (don't own one, haven't read the manual) so I was just guessing. I'm not trying to break your balls about the LF+, just prodding you a little. I really think it would greatly simplify what you've got going on and it seems like you'd utilize it creatively. The LF+ needs more guys like you! It's a lot of coin, but was the AxeFx. I bought a used Jr+, so I haven't really even spent as much as an MFC.
Thanks guys .... I really appreciate the input. Yes StevieRay...I've been spending a lot of time looking at the LF Products the last few days and my head is spinning on some of the things that could be done!

Bakerman ... I'm at the point where I agree with you last comment. What was throwing me for a loop was when I send the PC Change from the Midi Moose, the Midi Ox monitor only show the single line command for the PC Change. When I send the same PC command via the MFC, it shows that same command plus the control states for each of the 12 IA buttons I have setup.

The problem when you know just enough to be dangerous is you spend a crazy amount of time achieving nothing! ;-)

Anyways ..... appreciate all the input!
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