Controlling input + gate's threshold level from Scene to Scene


Is there's a way to control the threshold on the input gate(not the block gate) from scene to scene? I would like to have a lower threshold settings for clean tones and a higher threshold settings for dirty tones when I switch scenes.The block gate/Expander does not have "intelligent " settings like the input gate. Thanks
Thanks for your reply.I just want to change the threshold on the input gate at off on scene 1 and -73 db on Scene 2 for example, just by switching scenes on my MFC101 with the foot switches.
Thank you sir! It's so annoying when switching from dirty to clean, the gate just kills the dynamics while trying to play with a softer touch! I'll give it a try!
scene controllers are great once you learn how to use them you will wish there were more then 2 of them.
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