Controlling effect "wetness" using expression pedal.


I am currently using the ultra with MFC and mission pedals. Can someone guide me in the right direction for the most convenient way of controlling the overall wetness of a preset using one of my expression pedals. Mostly interested in controlling both reverb and delay wetness...

Try putting the effects after a mixer, and then control the mixer with your expression pedal.
At least, that's how I do it.

- jonah
Depends which I/P the pedal is connected to on the MFC.

I believe pedal one is CC18, 2 is 19, 3 is 20 etc - however you can got the edit/midi and scroll accross until you get to the pedal setup page to check.

Once you have the CC number - OR change it in that menu to the CC number you wish to use, go into the Axe and assign that CC number to an External controller (1-8) then assign a modifyer your not using to use that external controller - then in your patches assign the same modifyer to the "mix" parameter of any FX you wabnt to control.

so - If you have the pedal connected to input 2 - that is CC19 by default. Assign external 6 (for example) to CC19. Then assign Modifyer 8's (again as an example) control to external 6. then assign the Mix parameters in your delay and reverb blocks to modifyer 8.

When you sweep your pedal from heal down to toe down your mix in both reverb and delay will go from dry to fully wet.

Did that make sense?

I don't use an MFC, but an expression pedal direct into the axe, so the CC values etc. I cannot help with.

Instead of adjusting mix I adjust the input gain so that if I take away the FX the
notes with delay/reverb will ring through in the delay/reverb.
Sounds more smooth to my purposes.

This is how I do it.



  • TwinRat Del 29-06-11.syx
    2 KB · Views: 14
Concerning the overall effects level, Effects Mix (Global menu) can handle this. This requires affected effect blocks to have their Global Mix param set to On.
Alas, it seems like Effects Mix cannot be tied to a controller which is a pity. Seems like a useful item for the wishlist!
I was thinking of doing it the way Paul explained but was hoping for a global parameter, but I guess that won't be possible.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Hi Count,

Here's how I'd do it.

1. Connect and calibrate your expression pedal.
2. Under I/O:CTRL, set one of the EXTERNAL controllers to "PDL" (Let's use EXT1 in this example)
3. Create your preset with the reverb and delay at their most extreme (wet) settings.
4. Open the DELAY block for editing.
5. Select the INPUT GAIN parameter and press ENTER to show the MODIFIER screen.
6. Set the SOURCE of the modifier to EXT1. Press EXIT 2x to return to the grid.
7. Select the REVERB block and repeat steps 4, 5, and 6.
8. Save the preset.

Your pedal will now blend between full wet and full dry.
Many of the other effects do not offer an INPUT GAIN control. Please write back if you need help with those.
It's easier to do with the Axe-FX 2, but I've done exactly this with the Ultra for a number of years.

I do it per block, attaching ext.2 (one of my expression pedals; the one i use for this job) and drop it on "Ingain" (input gain) where applicable; other effects in the Ultra, on Mix (on the 2, most have this now) and/or 'depth' and other settings. The idea is so I can roll off for various parts of songs and then just naturally roll back in the effects without a lot of switching and tap dancing.
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