Controllers/scene help, please?


Hi all,
Due to my broken USB connector thing I can't edit from my PC with the wonderful Ax-edit. So, I am slowly, and on the whole doing well with editing from my front panel.
However, I'm stuck. And need some help! PLEASE!! lol
@Johan Allard did a wonderful thread on his ideas for Hotel California where pre-USB breakage I had been playing around with my own harmonies using his settings as a template.
Can anybody advise me as to how I can get to this, from the front panel of my AX8 (attached pic from Johan's thread, thank you);

From front panel FS page:

Page over to CFG Tab/page.
From Controllers, press Enter.
Page over to Scene Tab/page.

Here you will be able to edit the scene controllers.
I love you @Habuman !!!

I thought that I was going mad with all of my "adjust this, adjust that" with nothing working.
Now that I have followed your directions I think that I can start to work things out.
I have the "CONTROL" screen showing with all of the scene numbers and % values showing so I can now not wait for tomorrow so that I can experiment again. I would have never found that without your help, so a million thank you's to you.

It is cool to notice that @Moke noticed this thread.
I say this in the most complimentary way, but Mr Moke is to me a Fractal genius. He is a wizard and can do things that I can only dream of.
I have been trying to create something with a 3 part type of harmony and was trying to dissect the amazingly good outro section of harmony from his (commercial preset) The boys are back in town along with @Johan Allard s fantastic Hotel California thread settings, and I think that the controller/scene thing is the magic ingredient. The secret sauce element. The thing that I had been missing.
I'd like to say a big thank you to one and all for your input into this thread, you guys are the best!
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