Control Switch - Not Sending Action Until Second Press


Power User

I'm setting up my new FC-12 and am experiencing a problem with a momentary control switch. On the FC-12, I have set up a momentary CS that is tied to Output 3 in the patch. Output 3 goes to my Frequout pedal, which then comes back to the AxeFX III via Input 3. My desired behavior is that (1) the preset loads with Output 3 bypassed, and the light ring around the assigned FC button reflects this by being dimmed. When I press the button on the FC, I want Output 3 to be unbypassed, and the light ring to be bright. Then when I release, it should go back to the initial state (bypassed, light dim).

Here is what's happening:
  • When I first load the preset, Output 3 is disabled. This is what I want, so all good there. However, the light ring around the FC button for that control is LIT, suggesting that it "thinks" it's engaged, which it is not.
  • The first press of the FC button does nothing. The light ring remains on. If I'm monitoring the controller value in Axe-Edit, I can see that no change is being transmitted. The value for that controller is not changing.
  • Upon release of the button, the light ring goes off and the control value remains unchanged.
  • All subsequent presses of the button work as expected: light comes on while depressed, and the value toggles appropriately.
I can control this patch as expected using my MMGT10 (which I'm going to sell), so I know it has worked in the past. I'm guessing that I made an error in configuring the momentary switch / modifier params. I've attached screen shots for reference. Any recommendations?


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Usually means the switch polarity is set wrong.
Where is this set? Is it a parameter of the modifier in the AxeFX itself, or do I need to change a setting in the FC? I'm wondering if I need to set an initial value for CS1, because upon preset load, the FC isn't sending the min (non-pressed) CC value. When it IS depressed it fires the max value for the CC, and upon release, it fires the min value. At that point the AxeFX and FC are in sync. So I'm thinking it's a mismatch between the initial CC values as perceived by the FC / AxeFX.
Where is this set? Is it a parameter of the modifier in the AxeFX itself, or do I need to change a setting in the FC? I'm wondering if I need to set an initial value for CS1, because upon preset load, the FC isn't sending the min (non-pressed) CC value. When it IS depressed it fires the max value for the CC, and upon release, it fires the min value. At that point the AxeFX and FC are in sync. So I'm thinking it's a mismatch between the initial CC values as perceived by the FC / AxeFX.
It’s under the FC settings on the Axe-Fx itself.
This is not an external switch. It's #4 on the FC-12. Is there a way to edit the polarity of an FC switch?
This is not an external switch. It's #4 on the FC-12. Is there a way to edit the polarity of an FC switch?
Oh sorry. I totally misunderstood. I thought you were using an external here. No. There's no way and no need to adjust polarity on internal switches.

This might be a bug with PP switch initialization on preset load. Let me see if I can recreate this here.
I can't replicate the behavior with the latest Cygnus beta.

I have the following preset:

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 2.48.52 PM.png

The CS is setup as a per-preset switch like this:

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 2.49.42 PM.png

I saved the preset with OUT3 bypassed.

Controller setup on OUT3 is identical to yours:

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 2.50.44 PM.png

When I load the preset, OUT3 loads bypassed and the switch is dimmed.

I press the switch OUT3 engages, switch is bright. I press the switch again and OUT3 bypasses and switch dims.

Can you try my simple debug preset? Does it work correctly for you? If not, the problem might be with the firmware you're running or the FC12. It'll require more work to figure it out.

If my simple debug preset works for you, please post your complex preset where this isn't work as it seems to be specific to your preset.


  • CS1-Out3 Debug.syx
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Thanks so much for your help! The most significant difference I can see between your debug build and mine is that I'm setting the CS as Momentary. I only want that block engaged when I'm holding down the button.

I'm on FW 15.01

I've attached my preset. BTW, I use this same basic config (Out 3 for Freqout) in a few presets. It has worked in the past using a different controller, so I'm pretty certain the issue is my newness to the FC as a controller. I bet I missed something really simple in my FC config.


  • All The Young Dudes.syx
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The most significant difference I can see between your debug build and mine is that I'm setting the CS as Momentary. I only want that block engaged when I'm holding down the button.
Okay. Let's set it to momentary in my debug preset. It still works as we expect it to work when I make that change. Attached and updated debug preset with the switch set to momentary.

Please confirm my debug preset works as expected for you as well!


  • CS1-Out3 Debug.syx
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@Sleestak it's something specific to your preset and I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Possibly some corruption? Possibly you've found a limit case on how control swtiches can be used (though that seems really unlikely).

It's doing as you described for me here. Where loading the preset has OUT3 engaged even though it's saved bypassed.

If I unattach the CS1 from the bypass state of OUT3 and save it bypassed, loading the preset works as expected with OUT3 loading bypassed.

But as soon as I put that CS1 back on it, it loads in the engaged state every time with the switch seemingly not caught up to the state as well.

What happens if you recreate the preset from scratch? Copy the blocks over, but don't copy over any FC settings on the preset and re-make those fresh. Does it fix the issue?
@Sleestak I figured it out. :)

There's a very BIG difference between my debug preset and your preset. In my controllers setup for the preset, I have the CS1 values, per-scene, set to Last. See:

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 4.01.10 PM.png

You have CS1 set to On in Scene 1 in your preset:

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 4.01.44 PM.png
If I set to to Off across the board the preset loads with the CS1 switch state in the correct off state and everything is fine.

I totaly forgot you could, per-scene, set the value of each CS like that.

That was it! I misinterpreted the meaning of those settings, thinking "on" (default state) indicated that the patch / scene ENABLED the use of the CS, rather than the setting indicating the BINARY VALUE assigned at default. It was indeed the initial value being sent for the CS, which is the AxeFX and FC didn't agree on the state of the switch until an update was sent. As soon as I made this change, everything was correct. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me understand this! I owe you a beer / coffee at some point.
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