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Continues bank switching


Could the selection of banks be faster (on FM3 and FC6/FC12)?
In the TAP and HOLD settings, the BANK category can be assigned the INC / DEC function and a jump by a value of 1 to 10. It would be much more efficient if holding down/up the BANK key causes a smooth down / up movement until the key is released. This type of solution is common in many guitar floor processors and midi foot controllers.
I care about this, AXE2 + MFC 101 was a super comfortable set. I would like FM3 (AXE3) + FC6 (FC12) to be even better ;)
I like the idea and (at least to me) that makes perfectly sense: not having to "long press" for every bank switch would be nice.

As a side-note: Maybe change the thread title to reflect that idea more. "Faster BANK changing" could also be understood as discussing the delay caused by long-press in general. e.g. rolling or continues bank switching or inc-/decrement?
I like the idea and (at least to me) that makes perfectly sense: not having to "long press" for every bank switch would be nice.

As a side-note: Maybe change the thread title to reflect that idea more. "Faster BANK changing" could also be understood as discussing the delay caused by long-press in general. e.g. rolling or continues bank switching or inc-/decrement?

Thank You, English isn't my language ;)

Admin M@ - I am very pleased and I am waiting impatiently.
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