Considering buying a used AX-8

You know that better than the rest of us.

Does the AX8 sound better and offer more than the GT-1: Yes (But have heard decent stuff from the GT-1)

As pointed out by others the AX8 is NOT gapless switching, but this never bothered me that much.

Updates I might piss off a few people but— (Not meant to BTW)

(Rant begins)
Who cares???
The unit has had many updates addressing problems and seeing new features. It’s like a cake, it’s baked, it’s done. I sold mine a few years ago and never had any issues that held me back from doing something on the unit. I’m not saying there are none, just nothing that held me back, worked as expected.

On certain updates in the past of the different units, people have complained about their precious update. It changed my sound; I must redo all my presets. I lost functionality and so on.

So maybe having a fully baked unit is not such a bad thing. I don’t know, what do you think?

I know one of the biggest appeals of having a Fractal unit is the updates this is true. Just because it's not getting any more updates doesn't mean it's falling apart.
(Rant done)

Does the AX8 sound good? Yes
Does it sound as authentic as the current production? No And if the Axe FX IV came out tomorrow, then the III would be behind the eight ball.

The FM3 and FM9 are out of the budget that the OP is willing to spend. Would it be nice if he or she could? Of course. But it's not part of the criteria at this point. The AX8 is still a great unit. My only concern would be if there was some sort of hardware failure in the future, getting repairs parts and so on.
My two cents if you can get one and a decent price, why not?

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AX8 is, to me, still the best design floorboard Fractal has come out with.

I love mine for quite a few reasons.. 1) the Floorboard is perfectly sized and set up 2) it sounds great and is as versatile as I need playing in a weekend rock band. 3) Mine has been 100% reliable and I got it when it came out. 4) This reason is weird but a bigggie for me.. . It does NOT get updates. . I absolutely hated the updates-process with my original Axe-Fx and the AX8... In fact I'd stop using it during those periods of updates, as it messed up my patches, as I wrote all my own , and they'd change.. I had to re-tweak them and it wasn't the easiest thing. I've so loved my AX8 without having to worry about those updates. For others that's really weird, but I know gear well, and own lots of it, and it's not worth my time re-writing things with all the updates. Of course the answer to that, is just don't do the updates. There's this mindgame though where you feel like you might be missing out on something. That stuff affected me. lol (I'm NOT saying it'd affect someone else the same as many froth at the mouth each time they hear about an update.)

Anyway, the AX8 would be great for some ,and for others, the lack of seamless switching when changing certain presets ,etc might not be a good thing. There's plenty of seamless switching that can be done on it, especially within scenes, but just not in certain scenarios. Also , if you read posts on here, some people seem to have a few issues with them where they switch volumes automatically , and that 'issue/problem' was never fixed. Mine 100% does NOT have that as an issue and has no bugs that need fixing

Good luck!
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Thanks, as it turns out there are basically no AX-8's on the used market (at this time). There are FX-8's but from my research those are designed to go into the front end of a tube amp and that's not thing. So I have a couple of months before I return to the US so perhaps one will materialize then.
I have an FM3 and an AX 8. The switching design of the AX 8 is (to me) far better than the FM3. The AX 8 can still produce killer sounds. When the AX 8 was still a current model it was (again in my opinion) the cream of the crop for floor units. If you had seen a great guitarist in a great band let's say 5,6,7 or so years ago playing an AX 8 and had been floored by his sound, his sound today would still be the same if he was still using the AX 8. A great sound is always going to be a great sound. My FM3 has all of the new features and firmware updates which are fantastic, but in reality, if your budget just stretches to an AX 8 join the Fractal community and enjoy the fun, and have a fantastic time exploring new tones.
Thanks, as it turns out there are basically no AX-8's on the used market (at this time). There are FX-8's but from my research those are designed to go into the front end of a tube amp and that's not thing. So I have a couple of months before I return to the US so perhaps one will materialize then.
Where abouts are you when you say that you have a couple of months before you return to the US?
For 8 extra footswitches and more CPU
When sending midi, which I think the AX8 supports, you'll be limited to what the switches can control on the FM3. You could put one into a loop of the other... But CPU won't really be "more", you'll just be offloading some from one device to another.

It would probably make much more sense to buy an FM9 and sell the FM3.

Also, the AX8 actually has 11 switches... Although not sure how many would be usable for controlling the FM3 (via midi).
When sending midi, which I think the AX8 supports, you'll be limited to what the switches can control on the FM3. You could put one into a loop of the other... But CPU won't really be "more", you'll just be offloading some from one device to another.

It would probably make much more sense to buy an FM9 and sell the FM3.

Also, the AX8 actually has 11 switches... Although not sure how many would be usable for controlling the FM3 (via midi).
Thanks, that's what I needed to know. Actually I don't need any footswitches, they're luxury items for me(don't gig or record), so if/when I upgrade it will be to the III.
The AX8 dies gapless within a preset using up to 8 scenes! I use it live at church and the AC20 Morgan Deluxe Amp in yhe AX8 is totally worth the price of the unit alone!! It totally sounds pristine live!

What's so cool is that you can have setups where all your effects are infront of the amp/Cab just like you would do with analog pedals going into a real amplifier. Save the preset and Bam!
Or you can have setups where all delays and reverb effects are setup after the amp/Cab, this sounds way more pristine like in a recording studio type sounds.

I personally love the Analog style of all effects before amp/Cab!

Get a good deal on Reverb with a good seller and you'll be set! The AX8 is like a Honda/Toyota, the resale value is super high because theybare that good!
The AX8 dies gapless within a preset using up to 8 scenes! I use it live at church and the AC20 Morgan Deluxe Amp in yhe AX8 is totally worth the price of the unit alone!! It totally sounds pristine live!

What's so cool is that you can have setups where all your effects are infront of the amp/Cab just like you would do with analog pedals going into a real amplifier. Save the preset and Bam!
Or you can have setups where all delays and reverb effects are setup after the amp/Cab, this sounds way more pristine like in a recording studio type sounds.

I personally love the Analog style of all effects before amp/Cab!

Get a good deal on Reverb with a good seller and you'll be set! The AX8 is like a Honda/Toyota, the resale value is super high because theybare that good!
I don't think Amp (and sometimes Cab) X/Y changes with scenes are gapless...
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