Confused about setting External 1 to Pedal 1

sick pickle

In the FM9 manual there is this:

CleanShot 2022-09-29 at 22.37.34@2x.png

"external 1 can also easily be assigned as volume, whammy or almost anything else on a per preset basis"

Why in a preset would I choose "external 1" when I can just choose Pedal 1? Seems elementary, but I am a bit confused on possibilities or what else can be done? Basically, if my expression pedal is connected to PDL1 jack, why would I ever choose 'external 1'.
Because the factory presets are already set up to use External 1. If you set your pedal up to control external 1, the pedal uses in all the factory presets will work automatically.

It also makes it easier to share presets with expression pedal functions. Your pedal setup might not be the same as others', but if you use External Controllers, then it doesn't matter what port other users' pedals are plugged into.
What @mr_fender said.

The biggest reason is flexibility. Let’s say you’re using a n EV-1 expression pedal in your presets. Now you want to try a MIDI pedal. Normally, you’d have to edit very preset to make that change. But If you’ve got that pedal assigned to External 1, you can just change the assignment of External 1, and you’re done.
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I'd say that the biggest reason is PORTABILITY.

ALL of the following can be handled as EXTERNAL 1.

Case 1: A pedal connected directly to the FM9.
Case 2: A pedal connected to a connected FC-6.
Case 3: An expression pedal on a connected MIDI device.
Case 4: Not a pedal, but MIDI from a DAW.
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