Compatible midi switches


Just thought I'd post re my search for a compatible midi foot controller.

I already had a Rocktron Midimate, and spent a longgg time trying to get it to switch 8 scenes, finally gave up.

I now have an Xsonic Airstep which I can say works fine and adds 5 switches to the 3 on the FM3. Plus 2 on a dual foot switch for tuner and tap tempo. And a compact Hotone Volume Wah pedal which also works as an expression pedal in this instance on the other switch port.

Compact, solid, reasonably priced, programmable form my phone and rechargeable so I'm very pleased with it so far.

Hoping a list of compatible devices appears one day, it would have saved me maybe lost 1-2 days ....
Any MIDI device is “compatible.” But for Scene and Channel selection specifically, it needs to be able to send a Value on Control Changes. Many “very old” controllers like the Rocktron only send on and off messages (values 0 and 127).
In addition to what @chris said midi controller that can send PCs (pretty much all of them) can change scenes using PC Mapping.

It has limitations but it will work.
Thanks for the clarification.
As a working guitarist for many years, tapping on stomp boxes, I haven’t needed to understand midi before, and though I looked up everything I could find, I still couldn’t get the Midimate to work.
Midi mapping is something I definitely don’t get….I have heard of it I think.
Yes they look great I agree, just not available at the moment in Australia, with all the supply chain issues going on
Their site said not available when I looked it up just now ....but yes looks like the best alternative pedal after the Fractal ones
Hi all,

Older thread, but I just came across something that's pretty great. Hotone has a very compact, very cheap ($100 on Amazon) full blown MIDI controller. Not shilling for it, but it sure ticks a lot of boxes. Compact stick like that yields me a rig with six external buttons and an expression pedal. Big fan of the Morningstar controllers also, but the form factor of this one makes it fantastic for my rig. The Morning Glory is in the effect loop of the FM3 and is my solo boost. This allows me to single tap and get the Morning Glory's boosting goodness, delay, and whatever else I do to hide my mediocre soloing.

i was looking for ever for a small footprint 4 or 5 switch midi controller that i could program in A/B toggle mode
with the specific requirement that it doesnt remember the toggle values in A/B toggle mode.
for example i wanted switch 1 to bring up scenes 1 and 2, switch 2 scenes 3 and 4 and when i
1. hit sw.1 get scene 1
2. hit sw.2 get scene 3
3. hit sw.1 again i wanted to get scene 1 and only 2 consecutive hits on sw.1 would give me scene 2.

tried some of them (meloaudio midi commander, ampero control, fcb1010) and contacted a lot of manufacturers asking if their devices could do that.
had no luck. in the end i settled for a couple of fcb1010 's
they are fairly simple to program and for less than 200€ i could get two of them. one in my rehearsal space one at home.

if anyone knows of a midi switcher that can behave like i described i welcome suggestions but otherwise i think access to all 8 scenes at least with an axe 3 means you have to get at least 8 switches
I'll try to see if it works with it.
The devices are in my possession.
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