Communication timeouts/lockups with Quantum 3.02

I, too, am experiencing Axe-edit timeout messages since the latest update. However. I have not had the unit freeze. Restarting Mac seems only fix.
AxFX II mark II , Mac OS 10.11.5, 2013 MacPro all latest FAS fW and SWI often have other USB audio devices attached (helix, Iconnect midi) but disconnected all but Ax and get same results.
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I have timeouts too. Turn off the Axe, then turn it on again and then problem is gone.
Do you have a link to the other thread? Maybe an admin could combine the threads. As I mentioned, I searched for similar issues but came up empty handed.

Your problems have me wondering. I don't have the exact time frame nailed down but this never happened pre-quantum (and I'm certain it did not happen in Q1 time frame; fuzzy on 2 vs 3). As I noted, I have seen communications issues on backups but those were present pre-Quantum firmwares and always were solved by retrying until they get a clean/complete set of banks/files.

This lock problem is a hard lock up where the screen goes blank and lights stay lit until the unit is power cycled. As noted it seems to be during program changes primarily. The presets are not bad. After a power cycle I can go back and forth between the preset it got stuck trying to load. It is extremely difficult to reproduce because it is never the same preset and it is random with regard to everything else. Sometimes it'll only be powered up a few minutes when it does it, other times I'll have been using it for hours and wham. Some sessions it does not happen at all.
are you starting the move processes then waiting? or are you playing through the unit or adjusting front panel while you wait?

Never adjusting the front panel, but I usually have a guitar on my lap and plugged in while doing it, so technically speaking, I'm playing through it. It only happens when I'm doing lots of moves either individual or large blocks. My guess is that sometimes I'm trying to do them two quickly (before the last one completes) and I confuse it. The result is usually a disconnect and this ->

Oops...just saw your other post on details. XL+, mfc mk3 plugged in, 3.02, latest vers of AxeEdit, Win 10. I haven't actually tried to create it in a while though, so I may have been on an earlier version. I'll get more details next time it happens and post a separate thread. For now, I'll stop confusing this thread...

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I, too, am experiencing Axe-edit timeout messages since the latest update. However. I have not had the unit freeze. Restarting Mac seems only fix.
AxFX II mark II , Mac OS 10.11.5, 2013 MacPro all latest FAS fW and SWI often have other USB audio devices attached (helix, Iconnect midi) but disconnected all but Ax and get same results.
I don't think these lockups and lags have anything to do with the AXE or AE. Otherwise we would all be experiencing this issue.
The unfortunate dilemma is we all use different computers and laptops with different operating systems, memory speed and size, USB versions and cables, and processor speed.
I'm using a mini laptop with Windows 10 Pro, 8gb RAM, I7 Quad 3.1 GHZ. I experience very little lag and never have a problem connecting or disconnecting to AE, except, I do have a problem sometimes, when AE is already running and I turn on the AXE, it does not connect. But that is actually a common issue with USB connections.
Let me ask a question to all who are having this issue. What is your PC configuration and what OP SYS are your running, Windows (what version or IOS (what version).
I know there may be more overhead in the newest firmware. And I also know high memory usage can make a difference. But so many other factors can cause lagging and lockups.
Also, has any, who are experiencing this issue, backed up presets and performed a factory reset and/or a firmware re-install, to see if it stops locking up? We're dealing with a computer in a sense. So if there is firmware or software corruption, errors and lockups can happen.
Also check and see if the AXE is running hot. Most of the time a computer will lock up with no error, if it is overheating.
I don't think these lockups and lags have anything to do with the AXE or AE. Otherwise we would all be experiencing this issue.

I don't think thats exactly true. At any rate, part of my issue, that never happened prior to 3.0.2, as I mentioned earlier, is that the unit locks up when selecting patches from the front selector with no USB or computer connected at all.

And its actually pretty easy to reproduce. I'll post a video later when I have time.

For what its worth to anyone reading, I have a 20 year background in IT, including software/hardware testing/QA, database administration, web server/mailserver administration, etc etc. I generally have a pretty good sense when a behavior has changed post update. Not to mention the same behavior is happening with my (former) backup Axe II MK II that I sold to a friend (post 3.0.2 update). Something changed that made my unit, and possibly others (maybe only MKII's, who knows?) unstable.
I don't think thats exactly true. At any rate, part of my issue, that never happened prior to 3.0.2, as I mentioned earlier, is that the unit locks up when selecting patches from the front selector with no USB or computer connected at all.

And its actually pretty easy to reproduce. I'll post a video later when I have time.

For what its worth to anyone reading, I have a 20 year background in IT, including software/hardware testing/QA, database administration, web server/mailserver administration, etc etc. I generally have a pretty good sense when a behavior has changed post update. Not to mention the same behavior is happening with my (former) backup Axe II MK II that I sold to a friend (post 3.0.2 update). Something changed that made my unit, and possibly others (maybe only MKII's, who knows?) unstable.
Did you do the updates on both AXE units? And do both AXE units have the same presets and re-configurations? It is odd that 2 units are doing the exact same thing. So using Occam's Razor theory, what would be more likely? You have 2 AXE FX MK II units, purchased at the same or different times and they both started to malfunction at the same time? Or did you possibly load or alter something on both units, that would cause both units to have the exact same symptoms?
Based on your background, you should know sometimes you have to do fresh installs on computers to get rid of issues. The AXE is basically a computer with a processor, ROM and RAM. I suggest this and see if it solves the problem:
BACK UP everything with the latest version of Fractal Bot, or not
Install the latest firmware
Install the latest Factory presets
RESET System parameters

An example: I downloaded and installed a preset from the AXE-Change, and it created issues. I performed the above, as suggested, and it fixed the problem. Now I'm more careful.
Did you do the updates on both AXE units? And do both AXE units have the same presets and re-configurations? It is odd that 2 units are doing the exact same thing. So using Occam's Razor theory, what would be more likely? You have 2 AXE FX MK II units, purchased at the same or different times and they both started to malfunction at the same time? Or did you possibly load or alter something on both units, that would cause both units to have the exact same symptoms?
Based on your background, you should know sometimes you have to do fresh installs on computers to get rid of issues. The AXE is basically a computer with a processor, ROM and RAM. I suggest this and see if it solves the problem:
BACK UP everything with the latest version of Fractal Bot, or not
Install the latest firmware
Install the latest Factory presets
RESET System parameters

An example: I downloaded and installed a preset from the AXE-Change, and it created issues. I performed the above, as suggested, and it fixed the problem. Now I'm more careful.

Occams razor actually points to the update being the most likely culprit here. It's the common denominator.
Occams razor actually points to the update being the most likely culprit here. It's the common denominator.
No, because theoretically every owner of an MK II, who updated to the 3.0.2 firmware, would have the exact same problem. Your issue seems to be isolated to 2 units, owned by the same person, who performed the same updates, additions and modifications.
No, because theoretically every owner of an MK II, who updated to the 3.0.2 firmware, would have the exact same problem. Your issue seems to be isolated to 2 units, owned by the same person, who performed the same updates, additions and modifications.

I'm not gonna argue with you, man. You're just pulling stuff out of your a** now. I didn't perform both updates myself, if you had bothered to read any of my other posts, you'd know that. You seem to be convinced the issue is something I did, and that's fine, go ahead and think that, and I'll continue to think otherwise. When they release an update with bug fixes, we'll know who was right.
I'm not gonna argue with you, man. You're just pulling stuff out of your a** now. I didn't perform both updates myself, if you had bothered to read any of my other posts, you'd know that. You seem to be convinced the issue is something I did, and that's fine, go ahead and think that, and I'll continue to think otherwise. When they release an update with bug fixes, we'll know who was right.
NO WORRIES, You're right:rolleyes:. I was not arguing, I was trying to help. Thanks for the insult. Use that 20 plus years experience you have to solve it yourself. :D
Looks to me as well that something is going on with the 3.02 release - before that FW version I have never experienced any lock ups.

I'll try to see if I can reproduce it. First there is a drop in volume (verified that the output volume is still fine) and then the Axe FX MK2 locks up.

P.S. I have a looper in my patches, not sure if that is related to the problem.
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