Cmon! This is just lazy!

hahaha. In Calgary I was out late a few years ago and someone had thrown a cart onto the train tracks at a station...Well there was a 45 minute delay stated until I climbed onto the tracks and threw the damn thing aside. Then it was back to business as usual. Its disheartening to see people hit a small snag and then not know what to do to fix a simple problem. This is why the Axe FX is not for everyone. If I didn't try to solve the issues I had making the switch I would still be using my JCM2000 *shudders*
The economic crisis has nothing to do with shopping carts, or the average person being lazy.

I know many people who are hard working, motivated, blue collar, white collar, no collar, who have lost jobs, had their investments wiped out, gone bankrupt, lost homes, can no longer afford health insurance, etc, through no fault of their own. Want to do something constructive...? Hire a returning veteran! I know many qualified vets who have few, if any jobs prospects.

To generalize that the economy is in it's present state because people are lazy is doing a disservice to many, many people. And holding that belief won't make matters better, only worse, because it's places blame and creates scapegoats, which is not constructive thinking.

Having said that, the picture is still funny.
To generalize that the economy is in it's present state because people are lazy is doing a disservice to many, many people. And holding that belief won't make matters better, only worse, because it's places blame and creates scapegoats, which is not constructive thinking.

One could make the argument that is exactly this mentality that has caused the mess that we are in. What ever happened to the old adage " treat your neighbors as you would yourself ", which includes property as well as personal inter-relationships. And this is the problem: there are far too many people who see this type of behavior (leaving a carriage in the middle of a parking spot) as acceptable - AND IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE for many of us hard-working law-abiding citizens.

Let's expand on the above statement regarding "placing blame" and "creating scapegoats". The state of Massachusetts is a sanctuary state for illegal immigration, and turns a blind eye to the point where illegals with multiple criminal offenses are not taken seriously until the point where they actually maim or kill people. Also, in this fine state, murderers with 3 life sentences are allowed out of jail only to (almost immediately) resort to crimes and in fact KILL police officers. It is not constructive to place blame? Illegals are to blame for being here illegally. Murderers are to blame for violently and illegally ending someone's life. Weak-kneed liberal bleeding-heart politicians are to blame for ignoring illegal immigrant crime and allowing murderers to roam the streets. It IS in fact constructive to place blame, and if the blame were properly placed and common sense remedies executed, there would be more good people alive right now, and fewer pieces of human trash occupying our legal/welfare systems and soaking the tax-paying public of resources that would be better placed in a million other areas.

Other than that, I have no opinion. How's THAT? (...expecting commentary calling me intolerant in 9...8...7...6....)
And, btw, I've had the exact situation happen to me in real time (a carriage purposefully left in the middle of an open parking spot where I was about to park my car at a WalMart), so this particular topic really hits home with me. Some people just don't give a sh*t about anyone or anything other than themselves. Fact.
All I'm saying is that I know MANY people who are out of work, suffered severe economic loss, etc, and it had nothing to do with being lazy. In fact, it had to do with the greed of others.

The economy is not where it is because people are lazy. Sorry that just doesn't make sense to me.
Yes, of course. I understand what you are saying and it is unfortunate when hard-working people are out of work with no opportunity in sight. Governmental social welfare programs should be reserved for the truly needy, and clearly our government has failed us in weeding out those who are not deserving of taxpayer generosity. There are many leeches that suck the life out of our "systems" (education, correctional, housing, welfare in general, health care, etc.) and I believe it is our government's failure and ENCOURAGEMENT of those leeches to continue to suck the system dry that has led us to the economic crisis we now endure. Not all of those leeches are poor, but one thing is for sure, all of the leeches are looking for the government to provide them a guaranteed "easy way out".
Oh God! A cart! Not a cart! What am I, a coherent, healthy, reasonable human being gonna do about this dilemma? Oh uhh.... Umm.... Maybe if I give it its space and ignore it, it'll go away! Yeah! :lol
Yes, of course. I understand what you are saying and it is unfortunate when hard-working people are out of work with no opportunity in sight. Governmental social welfare programs should be reserved for the truly needy, and clearly our government has failed us in weeding out those who are not deserving of taxpayer generosity. There are many leeches that suck the life out of our "systems" (education, correctional, housing, welfare in general, health care, etc.) and I believe it is our government's failure and ENCOURAGEMENT of those leeches to continue to suck the system dry that has led us to the economic crisis we now endure. Not all of those leeches are poor, but one thing is for sure, all of the leeches are looking for the government to provide them a guaranteed "easy way out".

Agreed 100%. The one thing I'm dying to hear from whoever is going to replace Obama is "I am going to protect America from the low-lifes that get a free ride on gov't handouts by eliminating _____". And if that doesn't happen, what in the hell are we all going to do when more than half of the voters are voting strictly for a free lunch, AND the worlds leaders are pandering to that bull???? Like the 2008 election. The other problem is the entitlement mentality of "civil servants". It's ironic that I'm going to have to work until I die to pay the pensions of these state and federal workers. And it sucks that in the private world, if things slow down you lose your job unless you hustle your ass off, but in the public job world, they keep the job, and just don't have anything to work on, so they read.

What the F? I guess God has a lesson here for us.

I'm not sure what this has to do with the shopping cart thing, but it made sense when I started!
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Why is it though that the first thing people want to cut is education? An uneducated population creates poverty.

Face it, there will always be someone who wants to get one over on the "system", whether it's a welfare cheat or a Bankster. The way I see it, at least there are laws against cheating the welfare system.

Rob a convenience store and get years in jail. Rob tens of thousands of people of their retirement money, devastate the world economy, lie about toxic bundled mortgages and self-value them as triple A... and don't even get charged with a crime.
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