Closest i've got to an authentic Slash tone. Feedback please :)

Cool Slashy sound. Something in the highend... Not sure about the freq`s. I allways end up cutting in the high end for recording. I need to hear it in a mix :)
Cool. I'm working on this tone also and I too am using the Brit Super model. No drive pedal though and no Tone Match or Cab blocks. (I'm running through an Atomic and a pair of 2x12s). I try and work out most of the EQ with the graphic in the amp block. It does need something more however. Like mine your tone also seems to be missing Slash's throaty midrange. I've tried everything but I just can't seem to dial it in. It doesn't help that I tend to vacillate on what I use for a reference tone. I keep switching between Appetite, Use Your Illusion and Slash's latest solo stuff hoping for an epiphany.
Definitely sound like Slash but I'd say you have too much gain and I agree on the frequencies. I think I made a Slash patch a long time ago that was pretty cool. Check it out:

It was OwnHammer Scumback cabinet. That really has that Slash essence! After that it's just as JCM800 with middle on 10 and master and gain around 7-8. :) treble and bass quite low.
Been messing for a while trying to get as close as possible to Slash tone from the Use Your Illusion albums, think im just about there-

Sounds close but you have too much gain. The only way I've been able to get a Slash sound is by playing in front of my amp w it crankin loud, so I use the natural feed back to get the notes to sustain instead of using a drive pedal bc the drive pedal or too much gain makes the individual notes blur together. With less gain, each note will be able to sing through and sound clearer and more articulate. One of the great things about the Axe-Fx 2 that I was never able to capture w other modelers is that I can get that personal tube feel from my fingers to the guitar to the amp when I hold notes out or vibrato.
Thanks for the feedback, dont have the gain that high, 3.5 with boost engaged. Drive pedal isn't adding any extra gain just tightening thing up a bit. The gain is on 0 and the level is at about 4. Will try and back the gain off a bit but I don't wanna loose that saturated edge it has. Its really difficult to get that clean but dirty thing going on and keep the sound i'm after
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