Cleans distorted after upgrading Q3.03 to Q6.01


Power User
I upgraded my Axe-Fx II Mark I from Q3.03 to Q6.01 and now most of my presets have more gain. I even have the Global Amp Gain set to -12.00 dB. I also tested on my Axe-Fx II XL+ and set the preset versions to Q3.xx and still had the issue. I didn't want to upgrade to Q6.02 because I read some XL+ users are having freeze issues but if that will resolve my issue, let me know.

I've had my Axe-Fx II Mk I since FW 5.05 and this is the first time I ever really noticed a huge difference when upgrading FW.

Most of my presets were created in FW 6.02, 18.12 and Q3.03 and most of them are slightly tweaked Factory Presets but mostly FX and not amp settings:
* 000 59 Bassguy
* 001 65 Bassguy
* 005 A-Class 15

Here are the amp models I'm using:
* Brit JVM OD1 Gn - This wasn't from a Factory Preset
* 59 Bassguy
* Class-A 15W TB
* 65 Bassguy Nrml

Should I adjust the Input Drive or Input Trim? It seems like the Input Trim sounds the best or at least doesn't change the frequencies as much as the Input Drive.
I've had the same feeling/experience, although cliff has confirmed in a previous topic that the gain is unchanged, so I suppose it's just more authentic. Whatever that is, I've lowered all my ac30tb patches (about 90% of my presets) input drive from 3.4 to 3, and it still feels a little crunchier than it used to be, but in a good way!
I've had the same feeling/experience, although cliff has confirmed in a previous topic that the gain is unchanged, so I suppose it's just more authentic. Whatever that is, I've lowered all my ac30tb patches (about 90% of my presets) input drive from 3.4 to 3, and it still feels a little crunchier than it used to be, but in a good way!

I agree except I need a few almost solid state sounding cleans. Who would have ever thought that one day we could complain that a digital amp sounds too much like tubes haha.

The Brit JVM OD1 Gn seems to be the most affected. It's probably not a good choice for a really clean tone. I had to lower the Input Trim considerably. I used to be able to get a real good clean out of the original real amp but I don't have it anymore and I can't remember what the knobs were set to.

All my non-clean tones, sound and feel great! There's so many little intricate nuances that I catch myself at practice ADDing just standing in front of my amp zoning out and playing different pick attacks and dynamics until my band interrupts me "Hey ADD boy stop playing with your amp". That would have been a great screen name for me, GotADDboy haha.
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