Clean Tone! HELP a Desperate Axeguy...

Used ULTRA for two years but always kept my Fender DLR for the clean blues sounds. For some reason it was too difficult, at least for me, to get a good "in the room" clean sound. Then I finished up making a patch using a short reverb response curve inspired from a reverb response curve of a Digitech LE2101 (using an ADSR) in order to fatten up the bottom end of my sound, creating like some fast Early Reverb, will PM it tomorrow, as I have to get it from some well stored archive. Howbeit, early 2012 I changed to Axe II and it convinced me to sell off my DLR. No regrets since, even if I still like that direct amp sound, the difference is now close to zero, at least for me.
Sultans patch, minus the effects - stereo cab if I remember rightly. Use a graphic EQ, to cut the lows and shape to taste, then global for the room and people density.
I set drive around 3.5 when I set master to 10, if it's set to 9 the drive is around 6 so it seems that we have nearly same settings, all others suggestions done too.
The II may be better but I will not upgrade for now as I'm not really pleased. Which one do you have?

Both. I've had the Ultra for a little over 3 years and bought the Axe II a few weeks ago. I plug them into a Roland KC-500 keyboard amp which was designed to have a flat response. I've been using the digital stuff exclusively since the late 90s so the Ultra sounded and felt like heaven when I got it. I still love it and will keep it as an alternate and/or backup.
Used ULTRA for two years but always kept my Fender DLR for the clean blues sounds. For some reason it was too difficult, at least for me, to get a good "in the room" clean sound. Then I finished up making a patch using a short reverb response curve inspired from a reverb response curve of a Digitech LE2101 (using an ADSR) in order to fatten up the bottom end of my sound, creating like some fast Early Reverb, will PM it tomorrow, as I have to get it from some well stored archive. Howbeit, early 2012 I changed to Axe II and it convinced me to sell off my DLR. No regrets since, even if I still like that direct amp sound, the difference is now close to zero, at least for me.

What amplification system do you use?
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