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Class D Questions

set theorist said:
Crest CA6 vs Peavey IPR 1600 through Carvin 832 PA speakers.
Then, if audible differences exist, you can establish a preference for one or the other of those two amplifiers. Those differences might or might not be due to the different amplifier classes, however.

I understand the reason for the variance; but it is very disconcerting when you are looking for the best set up that 10 people seemd to have 10 different opinions...
Here's what you are missing: ten people will have ten different definitions of "best." My personal definition is "most accurate," and I am in a position to quantify that. More accurate does not mean "sounds better," however. It simply means that the sound you hear is exactly the signal you are putting into the system with no audible coloration from the system.

especially when it would cost 100s to make the comparisons for oneself.
Sounds to me like you just need to make your own decision and not worry about what anyone else might think....

I own a K12 and an HPR122i and I also run the Axe thru a VHT 4x12D cab powered by whatever is handy for power.
Now that I know the Axe and these bits of gear well enough, I can make it sound good thru any of them, though some are more flexible and easier to tune for me.

Speakers are an absolutely huge part of your sound, as are all the other details, but with a little effort I've yet to ever think "Ick, the Axe sounds like poop thru that." especially in the context of a rock band where a lot of detail is, let's be honest, lost to cymbal crashes after 5 minutes or you were wearing earplugs and never heard the top end difference in the first place.

The K and the HPR definitely require slightly different EQing and have different sweet spots in my use but both work.
I use the K at home b/c its smaller and the HPR at practice where the size is a win and I get a little more woody resonance which, "accurate" or not, I enjoy.

I've never run them together in stereo and look forward to trying it on vacation in August when I have hours to wank. The differences might make a fun stereo image.

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