Class Compliant USB 2.0 Audio - WIN vs. MAC


Fractal Fanatic
Dear User, Dear FAS

Disclaimer: This is not a bitching and a whining thread - it's also not a thread about some one, who is new to DAWs and new to such products in general.

Cliff recently said, the mac driver was written by apple - sad but true, that's correct. Class compliant means - you put your device to a computer and in most cases it works without a custom driver because it uses resources/code form the operating system. On a WIN based system, this is not an easy task because class compliant USB 2.0 Audio is not supported directly - it will dedect a device but it would not loading the driver automatically - IMO a reason why there are specific ASIO drivers (regarding to the axefx II Manual) on a WIN system. On MAC instead most applications use core audio and core midi - which can either be connected with a class compliant driver or a custom made driver (as many pro audio manufacturer does for mac audio interfaces). Instead of the poor standard audio clock, they use the internal device audio clock, which is (hands down) much more stable than apples adoption ever will be!
To get the same great audio results on a MAC, we need the same "quality custom made drivers" as given to the WIN users.

ASIO is a multi-channel audio protocol, originally introduced by Steinberg (the company who wrote the Cubase DAW and also is responsible for the VST standard) - which is not a WIN system internal protocol such as "Direct Sound", which is not usefull for pro application needs or low latency performance. Class Compliant USB 2.0 Audio on a MAC has slightly better performance than Direct Sound on a WIN but it's not the superior solution for low latency performance on a mac, which can be reached with a custom driver application for Mac CoreAudio/MIDI!

Please make this possible - as many of the axefx user are Mac-user and we deserve the same performance as WIN users - neither Mac or WIN people should fighting each other here.

Love and Peace to the FAS-Community

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Yeah i dig this too. If apple can't seem to get their driver to work properly so it's useable with the axe, which IS compliant with their audio class 2.0, is it possible for FAS to throw us a bone and give us a driver package like ASIO? I will GLADLY pay for it - I MUCH rather have a FAS driver anyway - support is better in my opinion. Lots of users out there who don't want to upgrade from 10.6.8 to any other, because just like XP, 10.6.8 is stable, matured, and is supported (by most audio companies) and used by studios all over the world.
In a lot of workplaces I've been to, there are lots of clients and servers still on XP. They have to reason or wish to change, as it works and works well, and neither do most people using 10.6.8. For me, I know that upgrading will mean instability with a LOT more devices amd programs, which to me, is just not worth the risk - not even for the axe :(

Bottom line is - ok we know apple made shiddy drivers and OS's that the studios of the world do not seem to want (post 10.6.8), is it possible for FAS to 'drive' instead? Just like ASIO? I'm all for progress and all, but I'm a utilitarian first and foremost - it must WORK, even if it's not the newest and latest and greatest, and I suspect the same is for most of the studio owners out there.

Nobody wanted vista, and I don't think most studios are intested in any of the post 10.6.8 offerings either....
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I will GLADLY pay for it - I MUCH rather have a FAS driver anyway - support is better in my opinion. Lots of users out there who don't want to upgrade from 10.6.8 to any other, because just like XP, 10.6.8 is stable, matured, and is supported (by most audio companies) and used by studios all over the world.


We could start a international crowd funding action among axefx II users - then we set a bounty on a keen programmer who help us with our needs! :) Or we can give a try by ourselfs ( Loading… ). Who knows?

all in a good, constructive and positive way! Let us help each other - Yes we can!! :)
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