Changing Scenes with Expression Pedal


New Member
Hi all. I have an expression pedal but not the MFC-101. I would like to be able to change scenes using the expression pedal. I have searched the forums, read the manuals and tried to figure it out myself but I cannot get it working. Is this even possible? I envision sweeping the pedal through 3-4 different scenes depending on its position. Thanks for reading.

You might be able to do scene 1/2, but the math is pretty close together to do multiple scenes with a exp with out being able to manipulate it in a modifier page. I don't think(not saying it cant be done) with the rear panel pedal jack that you can select anything other then pedal for the scene CC# in the I/o menu, those no way to give the set values. control of scenes with out an mfc would be much easier with a couple of cheap keyboard sustain pedals. this way you can use scene increase and scene decrease.
I may be waaaay off here, but this sounds a little outlandish. I'm sorry if that sounds rude!:)
For me, scenes either engage/disengage effect blocks, or they increase/decrease parameters within a block. It seems to me that you can simply assign an expression pedal to several parameters to achieve your goal. Such as assigning exp1 to gain, delay mix, modulation fx, etc... Somehow "morphing" from one scene to another doesn't sound possible. Unless you have two or more scenes engaged at one time and the expression pedal simply controls the volume of each scene, which is not possible... I think.
You might be able to do scene 1/2, but the math is pretty close together to do multiple scenes with a exp with out being able to manipulate it in a modifier page. I don't think(not saying it cant be done) with the rear panel pedal jack that you can select anything other then pedal for the scene CC# in the I/o menu, those no way to give the set values. control of scenes with out an mfc would be much easier with a couple of cheap keyboard sustain pedals. this way you can use scene increase and scene decrease.
That makes some sense. Scene incr/decr assigned to an exp pedal with parameters set to like 35% so it just does 3 or 4 scenes... ? Weird.
this has come up before. i don't think the OP wants to "morph" between them, meaning having both scene 1 and 2 active at the same time as you move through the pedal from 1 to 2.

technically speaking, if you set your Expression Pedal to CC#34, as you step through the range you will change Scenes... but Scenes change with each single value, 0=1, 1=2, etc. there is no way you are going to be able to move a pedal distinctly between S1 and S2.

even if you were to limit the pedal values between 0 and 7 for all 8 Scenes... or even fewer, a Pedal is just probably not an accurate way to select Scenes.

can you describe what you are trying to accomplish and why a Pedal is what you want?
That makes some sense. Scene incr/decr assigned to an exp pedal with parameters set to like 35% so it just does 3 or 4 scenes... ? Weird.
yes, but not every one uses there axe fx the same. I use the mfc live and at home but if I did not play out live I may would not need the mfc or maybe would not have the cash. If I wanted to try some thing new and could possibly try it with something I already owned, I would want to try it. If I had not just had surgery on my left hand, I would probably try it now just for curiosity! the axe fx does so many things it is a never ending learning cycle.
That makes some sense. Scene incr/decr assigned to an exp pedal with parameters set to like 35% so it just does 3 or 4 scenes... ? Weird.
this would not work. Scene Incr/Decr aren't partial. they go up or down one scene at a time. Incr = next scene, not "scene 4" for example.
This should be quite easy, really. Just set the range of the MIDI Data for the expression pedal on CC#34 to go from 0—7.

It's exactly what you asked for, but I predict this will be finicky, to say the least.
Thanks for all the comments thus far. Currently I use only a few blocks in each preset. Drive, delay, reverb, etc. I have been using the expression pedal to turn these blocks on and off within a preset but I have to group them together in combinations that are not always ideal. I thought that if I could use scenes, I could group the effects exactly the way I wanted them and just sweep through scenes with the pedal. I hope I am being clear here. Thanks again folks.

This should be quite easy, really. Just set the range of the MIDI Data for the expression pedal on CC#34 to go from 0—7.

It's exactly what you asked for, but I predict this will be finicky, to say the least.
Didn't know you could set the range using the pedal jacks, See learn something every day! will have to take a look into that.
I missed the post from Admin M@. I'm sorry but I don't think I know what you mean by "set the range of MIDI data for CC#34." My unit does not have #34 assigned to anything. How would I enter that data? Thanks again for the responses.

I don't know how either! if you go to the I/0 menu, control, and scroll to scene the CC# will be 34, in order to make the rear pedal jack work this function you will have to set it for pedal 1, or pedal 2. this will connect the pedal jack to scene control. If in the pedal menu you have 1 or 2 set for continous. the exp plugged in the rear jack should function(will be very hard to get scenes in between 1 and 8 I would assume with out a way to limit the value). I have no idea how to set the value range! as @m posted.
This should be quite easy, really. Just set the range of the MIDI Data for the expression pedal on CC#34 to go from 0—7.

It's exactly what you asked for, but I predict this will be finicky, to say the least.
it seems the OP is using the Pedal jacks on the Axe, which he hasn't stated specifically. just "no mfc." so this actually isn't possible with the Pedal jacks.

what he said IS possible with most midi controllers though. there are other controllers than the MFC.

can the OP confirm he's using Pedal jacks on the Axe itself?
Perhaps keep all of your effects engaged, then set your exp pedal to adjust the mix values of these effects accordingly. I.e, heel position is 0%, increase exp pedal to allow delay block value to 100%, then increase exp pedal to allow for chorus block value to 100%, then drive...?
I'd set the scenes 1/2, 3-6 and 7/8 identically; then you can at least switch between 3 scenes with the pedal. Perhaps it would also be possible for 4 scenes (1/2, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8), but more would definitely be too difficult to use on stage.
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