Carvin TS100 users unite !


As you can probably tell since this is post #1 for me, I'm new to the world of Axe-FX... I'm waiting for the UPS man to deliver, and in the mean time getting the rest of my rig components together. Seeing how a lot of Axe-FX users seem to go through a tube power amp -> SS power amp -> FRFR setup over the course of time, I figured that I should start with a tube power amp and my existing 2x12 guitar cabs. My first inclination was to get a Randall RT2/50 (one of my fav power amps of all time), but after a bit of reflection decided the Carvin TS100 could be a better candidate... I had one a long time ago... thought it was a great power amp for the money though a bit "flat" sounding (wasn't great for my Randall MTS rig at the time, but would theoretically be great with an Axe-FX rig).

So for those of you who are using Carvin TS100's, I have a few relatively simple questions...

1) what power tubes are you using? (6L6's, EL34's)
2) what speakers/cabs have you been using?
3) to what extent are you using any of the power amp / speaker sim on the Axe-FX in combination with the TS100?

Thanks in advance for any insights!


PS-- Before anybody gives me the canned "do a forum search" response, I've done pretty much nothing but read this forum, read threads on TGP, read reviews on Harmony Central, read the Axe-FX manual, read the wiki/FAQ, and watch YouTube clips for the past 2 days. My wife's gonna kill me if I don't do something productive today (apparently "productive" is not = to "get my guitar rig in order")
I ordered and returned two TS100's just a month or so ago. Both arrived in a defective state. The first one had a smashed phase inverter tube and something wrong with one of the channels. The second one had a bad channel. Neither one got above bedroom volume. Carvin was extremely unapologetic in both cases. I recommend avoiding this latest batch of TS100's.
Ah...another has joined the darkside, I saw from your blog. Just like a lot of other guys around here, I am going to recommend a *gasp* solid state amp. I just got a Carvin DCM1540L and love it. Light, and sounds great. And flat, which is important here.
Well, I've got a ts100 in my rack i'm using with the axefx. Tubes, I'm not sure whatever came with it, and I'm using a custom audio amplifier 2x12. No poweramp's or cab's in the live setup. I mostly go through different amp models for whatever mood I'm in, just jamming around or practicing. Sounds fine to me although I've never tried it cranked, usually around 1/2 volume. If I had to come up with a problem with it the only complaint I can think of is the weight and I can deal with that. I've had it about a year or a little less with no prob's.
I also use the carvin to power the caa 2x12 in a w/d setup and it sounds good there as well. Not using the axefx mind you just another application.
trouble311 said:
I just got a Carvin DCM1540L and love it. Light, and sounds great.

I am also switching to that amp from a QSC GX5. It gets here on Wednesday. We'll see how it goes. Although I am very unimpressed with Carvin's support to date.
Thanks, Jay!

I guess I didn't mention this upfront, but I had a TS100 a few years back when I put together my first Randall MTS rack. Funny thing was that I thought the TS100 was awesome until I swapped it out for a Randall RT2/50, at which point I realized that the TS100 was a bit flat/sterile compared to the RT2/50. I was thinking, though, that I may be able to use the TS100's flatness to my advantage in an Axe-FX rig.

Nonetheless, I've got a TS100 in the mail now, so I'll let y'all know how it turns out. Plan is to run the Axe-FX Ultra into the TS100 and a pair of Randall 2x12 cabs like so....


If I don't dig the TS100, I've also got Carvin HT150 and QSC RMX850 power amps in my PA rack that I could pull to audition with the Axe-FX.

I am resurrecting a dead thread about the Carvin TS100. I have read many folks on the boards who are pleased with the Atomic 50W Monoblock used with AxeFx power amp sims.

However, the Atomic is not rackable, so it is really a non-starter for me.

Which got me thinking - are there other power amps similar to the Atomic that are light (<25lbs), inexpensive (<$500), 6L6-based, and can fit in a short rack? That lead me to the Carvin TS100.

It seems that to reproduce what the Atomic is doing, one would need to use 6L6 tubes with a high headroom rating (i.e. GT 8-10), maybe run the TS100 in bridged mode (100W) for even more headroom, and run the AxeFx with the power amp sims ON (since this is a relatively transparent setup).

Am I correct in my thinking, or do I need to go take my medicine?
Ventanaman said:
I am resurrecting a dead thread about the Carvin TS100. I have read many folks on the boards who are pleased with the Atomic 50W Monoblock used with AxeFx power amp sims.

However, the Atomic is not rackable, so it is really a non-starter for me.

Which got me thinking - are there other power amps similar to the Atomic that are light (<25lbs), inexpensive (<$500), 6L6-based, and can fit in a short rack? That lead me to the Carvin TS100.

It seems that to reproduce what the Atomic is doing, one would need to use 6L6 tubes with a high headroom rating (i.e. GT 8-10), maybe run the TS100 in bridged mode (100W) for even more headroom, and run the AxeFx with the power amp sims ON (since this is a relatively transparent setup).

Am I correct in my thinking, or do I need to go take my medicine?

With respect to an inexpensive rack mount tube amp I think the Carvin would be a great candidate for what your looking for. To my knowledge it's the only other tube amp that I know of that is is bridgeable besides the Peavey Classic 50/50 which is EL84 based. It sounds like there may be some issues with customer support though... :( I was looking at them for a wile but decided to stay with my SLA-2.
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