Carrying case or rack?


lt looks like I'm going to be ordering the AxeFX III + FC-6 in the next few days. I was thinking about using my suitcase that I made for the AX8 when I had it and now the Helix. My thoughts were, instead of dragging the rack case, plus a laptop bag with the FC and other items along with my guitar. I could just put the FX in my carrying case, then put the foam on top of it and the FC on top of that. Were I plan on putting the FX at church is soft so I don't have to worry about scratches. I think for the time being this would work until I get more funds to get a rolling rack case. The Helix fits snugly in the suitcase and the FX is a little smaller so I should be good.

Any thoughts?

Here's what I use to carry the Helix and my cables, etc. Shown with the AX8 when I owned it.
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