Carpet, Dog hair and the FM9


Decent pedalboards with hard cases or pelican-style cases are increasingly hard to get into Australia because shipping costs are so high. Soft cases are better, but I can't easily afford to replace my FM9 if I break it, and so I really want a hard case.

With that in mind, at least for now, I'm probably going to have to work with what I've got, which is a Diago Tourman. It's not light, but it's light for it's size, and speaking of size, it's way bigger than required at 102cm x 45cm (40" x 17 3/4").

  • It has a low height of just 100mm (4"), giving me only about 12mm headroom over the FM9, not really enough for any kind of pedal board, even one that folds down.
  • It has carpet on the base, and to make it worse...
  • I have an awesome, if extremely scruffy, doggo. Long white hairs are going to accumulate in a big way, and I'm worried about them clogging up the fan on the bottom of the FM9
Any suggestions?
  • Maybe I rip up the carpet, install onto the timber base?
  • I could screw the FM9 down through the timber base of the pedal board, and the rubber feet will prevent the screw heads from touching the ground, but that will make cleaning the fan a real pain, requiring me to remove it completely to get down there.
  • I could perhaps screw velcro straps into the base on the board that wrap around the FM9, but leave the fan area fairly clear? My (yet to arrive) screen protectors will stop and damage from this, and it would mean I could quickly remove the FM9 to clean the fan.
  • I could install some kind of riser, with the 12mm I have to work with, that gives the fan more room to breathe, and maybe room for me to reach through and clean?
Does anyone have any experience with dog hair getting in the fan?

How do you guys clean it if it's screwed down?
I have window screen repair tape that is simply window screen material with adhesive on one side to patch holes in your screen windows (works great btw). It would make a great filter.
That's an interesting idea. Maybe even something magnetic like a PC fan filter might be good, so I can easily remove it to clean it. Might restrict airflow tho?
I have two medium length fur cats, one of which has a huge featherduster of a tail, and a border collie. They all hang out and fight in my office, where my FM9 lives. Just yesterday, I moved things around...and while I sweep the room out regularly, the amount of cat and dog hair I found accumulated in and amongst my setup bordered on the absurd. That said, although I haven't opened up the FM9 to check inside the chassis, it didn't seem to be any worse for wear, all the vents were clear, so I don't worry about it too much (though I will be more vigilant!).
I have two medium length fur cats, one of which has a huge featherduster of a tail, and a border collie. They all hang out and fight in my office, where my FM9 lives. Just yesterday, I moved things around...and while I sweep the room out regularly, the amount of cat and dog hair I found accumulated in and amongst my setup bordered on the absurd. That said, although I haven't opened up the FM9 to check inside the chassis, it didn't seem to be any worse for wear, all the vents were clear, so I don't worry about it too much (though I will be more vigilant!).
Thanks, appreciate the feedback. I'm gonna do something similar, full send it and just remember to check it occasionally. I managed to strap it down to the board so it can be removed easily for cleaning
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