Can't downgrade from 9 beta


I'm trying to downgrade from 9 beta to official 8 but a transfer error continues to appear.
I reboot fm3 several times and tried ro re-download the 8 fw... What can I try?
The firmware file's format changed in firmware 9.

In order to downgrade to firmware 8 or less from firmware 9, please follow these steps:

1) Turn off the FM3
2) Hold down the Page Left and Page Right buttons and power on the FM3.
3) Let go of the Page buttons when the "FM3 Emergency Utility" screen is shown.
4) Launch FractalBot and download the firmware 8 sysex file.
5) When the firmware finishes programming reboot the FM3 normally.
6) Using FractalBot download the DynaCabs 1.05 file.
The firmware file's format changed in firmware 9.

In order to downgrade to firmware 8 or less from firmware 9, please follow these steps:

1) Turn off the FM3
2) Hold down the Page Left and Page Right buttons and power on the FM3.
3) Let go of the Page buttons when the "FM3 Emergency Utility" screen is shown.
4) Launch FractalBot and download the firmware 8 sysex file.
5) When the firmware finishes programming reboot the FM3 normally.
6) Using FractalBot download the DynaCabs 1.05 file.
Worked, thanks!
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