Can't decide what DAW to get

Stringtheorist said:
I ask because I already have 8, and having opened and licensed it I won't get my money back if I sell it. What would I miss if I didn't go to 9.0?
Nothing. :) Go nuts with 8 man. Once you get the hang of it: you'll dig it.
There are TONS of Logic videos on YouTube, and many more from online tutorial sources. Many of them are good, basic - and some are advanced.
Logic is NOT a "logical" program as the name wants to imply, but it is like ANY OTHER DAW - you have to learn it. And once you do, stay with it and make music - don't jump around from DAW to DAW until you know one of them well. It will only frustrate you if you do.

My $0.02

~ J
Having second thoughts about EZ Drummer now. Would prefer the greater flexibility of Superior 2.0 or BFD2. Anyone like to add their $0.02?
Stringtheorist said:
Having second thoughts about EZ Drummer now. Would prefer the greater flexibility of Superior 2.0 or BFD2. Anyone like to add their $0.02?

Superior 2 sounds excellent. It's has a lot more stuff I will probably never use, but mainly it's the samples that sound more realistic now.
Stringtheorist said:
Having second thoughts about EZ Drummer now. Would prefer the greater flexibility of Superior 2.0 or BFD2. Anyone like to add their $0.02?

Superior 2.0 & BFD2 ---- Top notch tone and flexability that leeds to hours of tweeking.
When you are creating that master CD you can fool everybody and make them believe it's a real drummer. (we are talking about super high resolution samples with endless tails, 32 drum channels with microphone bleeds... and on and on, if you ever recorded drums in a real studio you will feel right at home)

EZ Drummer ----------- easy!!!!!!
When you need a demo ready in 5 minutes ... this is your best friend!

Sorry you can't have both.

AndrewSimon said:
Stringtheorist said:
Having second thoughts about EZ Drummer now. Would prefer the greater flexibility of Superior 2.0 or BFD2. Anyone like to add their $0.02?

Superior 2.0 & BFD2 ---- Top notch tone and flexability that leeds to hours of tweeking.
When you are creating that master CD you can fool everybody and make them believe it's a real drummer. (we are talking about super high resolution samples with endless tails, 32 drum channels with microphone bleeds... and on and on, if you ever recorded drums in a real studio you will feel right at home)

EZ Drummer ----------- easy!!!!!!
When you need a demo ready in 5 minutes ... this is your best friend!

Sorry you can't have both.

It's not possible to get going quickly with BFD2? I know it has a ton of features but I was hoping it was still possible to just load a kit, route the mixer and go.
Stringtheorist said:
AndrewSimon said:
Stringtheorist said:
Having second thoughts about EZ Drummer now. Would prefer the greater flexibility of Superior 2.0 or BFD2. Anyone like to add their $0.02?

Superior 2.0 & BFD2 ---- Top notch tone and flexability that leeds to hours of tweeking.
When you are creating that master CD you can fool everybody and make them believe it's a real drummer. (we are talking about super high resolution samples with endless tails, 32 drum channels with microphone bleeds... and on and on, if you ever recorded drums in a real studio you will feel right at home)

EZ Drummer ----------- easy!!!!!!
When you need a demo ready in 5 minutes ... this is your best friend!

Sorry you can't have both.

It's not possible to get going quickly with BFD2? I know it has a ton of features but I was hoping it was still possible to just load a kit, route the mixer and go.

The first time you will probably need to invest a little time to set up things the way you like.
Once there, you can save everything in a preset.
Next time you can just call up this preset on the go.
Once you have several of these presets it will get easier and easier.

Here is a drum oriented track I did when I first received BFD1.
The other instruments/voices are all Spectrasonic stuff.

I like EZdrummer, and I like the company; Toontrack. They make great products and their support system is extensive.

But pick one, and go. Both work (EZ and BFD), and are used in professional studios. That is my most direct advice.


If your the kind of person who is looking for the "best" - and find that you continue looking for the best, or are disappointed that you purchased one thing - and after reading post after post, wish you had tried something else, you will be forever disappointed and won't get to making music as fast as you could.

I have a friend, who many of you know. His music and sound is among the most recognizable an re-veered on the web today. He STILL uses a very old version of a DAW, has a crappy guitar simulator and an old version of Drumkit From Hell. He has learned every nuance of each of the things he is using, and has focused on making music, and using what he has. To me, that is the way to go. Your DAW - "any" drum program and Axe Fx have more power and flexibility than most of the higher end analog/ digital pro studios today.

I say, get something basic and that you can learn quickly. Don't spend too much money and make sure you acoustically treat your recording/ mixing/ rehearsing room. If you do these basic things first, you'll get "there" so-so much faster.

My $0.02

~ J
I just wanted to add that if you get BFD2/Superior 2.0 make sure you have a fast computer and more important make sure you have some fast hard drives and at least 2Gigs of RAM.
Going all out and streaming 32 channels of 24bit drum tracks you will need it!

The EZ is 16bit, everything is pre-processed and it will sound great on most things.
Sometimes it will suck.
Let's say you do a very slow beat and you hit the cymbal, because it's a slow track and because the cymbal samples are relatively short you can hear how the cymbal suddenly ends
without the long natural decay.
OK one more plug I want to mention.
This is the one that gets used the most by me.

It's Stylus RMX

With the back beat loops: ... _demos.php

Now this is the easiest "drag and drop" for "drums in a minute" tracks.
But even thought you have some flexability you are pretty much locked into their loops.

Here are some samples I did with this plug:
and this (voice for drums)

Hmm... one more thing.
This is just my observation from listening and talking to all kind of players.

Hard Rock/Metal players tend to like the Superior 2.0

Jazz to Rock players tend to like the BFD2

If you want to get up and running very quickly with logic and you would rather watch than read go to and check out all of the Logic Tutorials. They aren't free but they are an excellent learning resource for Logic.

EZ Drummer is incredible for quick far better than drum machine loops and patterns and song writing. Superior 2.0 is the next step. I use both. For demos I use EZ Drummer. For tracking I use Superior 2.0 with a real drummer triggering the samples via Roland V-Drums midi'd up to Superior. Awesome!!
I'd check out XLN audio's Addictive Drums, I think they still offer a free demo to try it out. I started with EZ drummer, didn't love the sound of it. I also own BFD2 with the Andy Johns platinum samples add on...there's a lot of sounds and power here but it's resource intensive.

I wanted something that wasn't as complex as BFD2 and I could audition different sounds quickly during songwriting. Addictive Drums does that perfectly (and sounded better to my ears than EZdrummer). Some of the built in kits in Logic aren't too bad either. BFD2 is a beast. I've been on the fence about selling mine since it's mostly overkill for how I use drums. Whatever you buy, i'd budget for at least one add-on pack as well to get some quality sounds geared towards the type of music you make (decide if you need to use it after you check out the software, but at least you've budgeted for it if you still need it).

As far as which DAW to get...i've been switching between Logic and ProTools forever. The advice that said don't switch between them and just pick one to learn really well is pretty spot on. Should've done that years ago. When the Duet came out...I jumped back to Logic, when PT8 came out, I jumped back to ProTools and of course now i'm playing with Logic 9. It doesn't end. Good luck.
You might want to try out, the new DAW from presonus, it sounds like it may be absolutely perfect for what your looking for, never tried it but its getting a lot of buzz recently. just go to the website and read about it. Its called studio one and theres a free demo out
i think tour best bet is, stick to the daw you have and learn it bit by bit. there's a lot of features that you may not need to know at first, so concentrate on what you need to learn. you may find tutorial videos more helpful than books. after a few days of learning will be very surprised just how easy it is, after a few months it will become 2nd nature.

drums, ez drummer sounds passable in most situations but if your after perfection and to make the drums sound how you want them too and have a lot more flexibility get superior 2.0. there are other good drum packages too like bfd2 but superior 2 and its expo,s are what I'm happy with
Thanks for the suggestions. I've downloaded the Demo version of Studio One from Presonus. Already I am having trouble configuring an audio input for my Axe FX since the DAW wants to "see" a proper audio interface and all I have is a coaxial/optical converter connected to my Ultra's digital out. So when I try to configure the audio input no connection is made in the DAW. How would I configure the input in Logic?
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