Cannot install Windows USB drivers in Windows 7 64 bit pc


Hello All,

I am trying to set up to listen to Youtube guitar instructional videos through AXE FX. According to instructions (as I understand them) other than installing the drivers (which I have not succeeded in doing the default for Input 1 being analog is all I need.

I have spent the past 2 hours trying to load windows drivers, but to no avail. I follow the on screen instructions to the letter. It always stops during install phase indicating "Error driver Code -1073741819 or 1073741674. I have tried uninstalling drivers and doing all over again. I also have tried in different USB slots (I believe this system as 2.0 as well as 3.0 per computer support). The closest I got was seeing the AXE FX 2 icon within drivers but it indicates (correctly) that it is not functioning properly (Exclamation mark over icon). I also tried running setup file direct from what was downloaded and it seemed the same and still didn't work. I would really appreciate anybody who could solve this issue for me. Thank you for your assistance.
I've had this issue before... If I remember correctly you can look for the temp file that is extracted and run it directly.
Well, it started working. I don't know why but for those who may come across this problem I believe that it worked better with USB 2.0. The last thing I tried was running update from the device manager... Although it didn't work (but now it does). Thanks again for the suggestions.
Hi there.... I just loaded the windows drivers for USB & got the same error code ( i'm using windows 7 64 bit ) & I got this same error message.
Even though with most USB hardware you first load the driver & then connect the USB unit.., I tried the second time by having the Axe switched on & USB
connected, then rebooted my PC. Then reinstalled the USB driver with all connected & witched on & Jippee....
Don't know if this will help you?!?
USB-controllers on Windows machines are probably one of the most random things in computer history.

I just remember my external HD to only be recognized by one of the USB slots after pulling out the USB mouse, which was connected to a totally different USB slot...
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